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"Why is the smell of coffee so unique?" Came a question from the ginger college kid watching the other taller, college kid, who was writing today's special and top employees' favorites on the whiteboard. "Huh?" "I mean- the smell- and taste! Of coffee is so-" The man waved his hands around as he was trying to think of a different disricpter word than 'unique',"-different! It's different than anything else! Like coffee is it's own flavor! People make it into ice cream they like the taste so much!" The other man hummed, coming down off the step ladder. "Well," Tobio started,"since 80% of what we taste is actually smell-" "WAIT-! 80% of what we taste is actually smell?!" Tobio glared,"Yeah, dumbass." Tobio rolled his eyes at the man whos jaw was still on the floor, his eyes wide. "Since 80% of what we taste is just our sense of smell, and since coffee has 1000 different aromas- don't freak out- it probably has something has something to do with that." The shorter was dumbfounded,"How are you so calm about this Crappy-yama?!" The shorter questioned, pointing an annoyed finger at Tobio,"I've known this for years, like, since I was a little kid. Also you shouldn't be talking to me like that, I am your superior after all." Tobio smirked and the shorter sighed aggressively,"So what if you're like a year older than me?! I-" "I'm not a year older than you?" Tobio said in surprise,"You...you're not?" "No?! I thought you knew this?!" "I DIDN'T?!?!" "WE GO TO THE SAME UNIVERSITY!" "WE DO?!? SINCE WHEN?!?" "THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!" The ginger leans on the counter, one hand bracing the edge the other massaging his forehead,"How did I not reconize you?!" The shorter looked to the other confusedly,"Tch, that's because popular, bubbly athletes like yourself, Hinata, don't need to be paying attention to dorky social outcasts like me." That was the most shocking part about actually meeting Shoyo Hinata, he didn't reconize him at all. Even though Tobio would go to the gym multiple times to watch him swim, and despite hating the feel of sand on him, going to the sandier area outside to watch him play beach volleyball. He thought that Hinata would've noticed him, but he never did. Even now, Tobio still does those things, Hinata still doesn't notice him. A long silence stretched between the two,"Well," Hinata said, standing striaght,"guess I'm just gonna have to start looking for you, Kageyama-kun.~" Hinata said, a bright, cheeky smile spreading acrosd his face. As the shorter looked at him, he felt his cheeks heating up as the single butterfly that was always swarming inside his stomach when Hinata was around, tripled. "That's useless." Tobio said,"How come?" "Because there are better things you can do." "Like what?" Tobio snorted,"Like getting a girlfriend." Hinata gasped,"Not like you have a girlfriend." Hinata pouted,"I don't want a girlfriend." Tobio said bluntly. Hinata looked at him questioningly,"Then what do you want?" Tobio tried to fight the blush starting to form,"That- That's none of your business!" Tobio huffed, opening the little gate door that separates the check-out counter and the rest café. Walking over to the cushioned loft section (that was actually Tobio's idea), Tobio took off his shoes and plopped down onto the super nice couch that made an excellent napping spot (this is Tobio's favorite spot). Tobio closed his eyes, the place was not busy at all today, not one customer, but that was fine. Hinata was still learning, and not having customers was Tobio's favorite thing to happen, especially when he was the only one in shop. But he wouldn't be getting that for a while, not with Hinata being on his every shift. The darkness of his eyelids suddenly became darker, amd he opened them to find Hinata staring at him. Though, before Tobio could say anything, Hinata asked,"So you want a boyfriend?" He asked innocently. Tobio became as red as a strawberry lolipop in the blink of an eye. He sprung up, Hinata moving out of the way just in time,"WHA- WHO SAID THAT?! YOU-YOU-YOU'RE CRAZY!! THAT'S ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!" While Tobio was screeching about the assumption (that was, by all means, correct) Hinata sat down next to Tobio on the cozy gray couch. Hinata laughed, cutting the other off."So, do you like tall guys or short guys?" Shoyo asked, beaming. Tobio managed to flush an even deepee shade of red,"That's none of your business!" Tobio said, the pout on his lips softening his angered expression. "Just wondering." Hinata shrugged,"Whatever." Tobio said, his pout deepening. Suddenly the bell above the front door rung, the sound catching both men off guard. The two looked at eachother for a second, then, not one moment later, the two bolted into opposite directions. Hinata went to the front counter from the front, while Tobio went from the back, like he had done many times before. By the time he had got there Hinata was making small talk with the two customers that had walked in. One had dark green to white hair, partially up in a small bun. His skin was a tanned kind of color, absolutely covered in freckles. He was wearing a punk rock like outfit. Two lobe pircings and one cartilage pircing in each ear. He seemed to be wearing a lot of rings and bracelets. He is very attractive. The other man was taller, he looked to be Kuroo-san's height. He had short, fluffy, light blonde hair. He had on glasses, that were connected to a beaded necklace. The beads were varying shade of light pink, and white, if they had designs on them, Tobio couldn't tell. He also had his ears pirced, but only his lobes. They were dangle-y strawberry ones.He was wearing a pink sweater with a little embroidered strawberry in the top left corner, over a white button-up. He seemed to be wearing dark blue jeans. Tobio cleared his throat, cutting off Hinata's and the freckled customer's conversation. "Would you like to order, sirs?" Tobio said politely. "Ah, yes!" The freckled one said,"I would like the 'Triple Chocolate Mocha'." The freckled one said, Tobio wrote said item down. 'What do you want Tsukki?~" "Hmmm," Tobio stood politely as Hinata bounced on the balls of his feet, while the tall man looked over the menu. At some point the mans eyes sparkled behind his glasses,"I know what I want." Tobio nodded, waiting patiently. "May I have the strawberry shortcake in a cup please?" "Pfft- Tsukki, that's not a drink." "Well duh, I know that. It's strawberry shortcake through." Glasses looked at freckles with a look that said 'y'know I love that food, of course I'm going to get whenever I can'. "Okay, okay, but you're paying for it." "You said you were gonna pay though." Glasses said, sadly surprised,"I said I was going to pay for your drink, strawberry shortcake in a cup is not a drink." Freckles said smugly. "Whatever, I can pay for it." "Yeah I know." The taller man crossed his arms, a slight pout on his lips. The other man laughed, as the hand he was using to hold the other's hand got tangled in Glasses arms. "So... One Triple Chocolate Mocha, and one strawberry shortcake in a cup?" Tobio said, as confidently as he could, which was actually pretty confident. Freckles looked to Glasses for conformation, the other nodded. "Yes sir!" Tobio nodded,"Anything you'd wanna add to you're drink? Or to be removed from either?" Freckles tapped a finger to his chin,"Nothing I could think of. Hey, Tsukki, anything you want removed from your shortcake?" Freckles asked Glasses. The taller looked at him with an intense deadpan stare,"Yeah I know, I was just asking, damn." Freckles said exasperated,"Nothing removed or added to either!" "Okay, the drink will be done shortly, though the shortcake will take a bit longer." Tobio said apologeticly,"That's more than fine." Glasses said, Freckles giggled,"Thank you very much!" Freckles said bowing, the taller one leaning down too. "Thank you for coming." Tobio thanked, bowing aswell. "And thanks for the talk, Hinata! It was nice" "It was nice talking to you too Yamaguchi!" The two customers walked off to a table close to the far end, next to the windows. Before Tobio could enter the kitchen-esque area,"Are either of them your type?" "ARE WE STILL ON THAT?!"
Word count: 1434

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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It's not just coffee, it's art dumbass{A Tsukiyamakagehina Fic}Where stories live. Discover now