Not In Copper 9 Anymore

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A Portal Opens As Klonoa, Popka, Uzi, Lollipop, Lily, Zari, Beck And Call Came Out Of It.

The Eight Saw A Green Like City Near Them.

"Klonoa" "We Are Not In Lunatea Anymore."

"Uzi" "Or Copper 9."

"Lily" "It's So....... Colorful."

"Zari" "Yeah, It Is Pretty Pleasant."

"Lily" "Coming From You...."

"Uzi" "Anyways, Call, Locate Where N Is."

"Call" "I Have No Sight Of Serial Designation N, But I'm Tracking Something Else, Let Us Follow This Road."

Then The Eight Follow The Road.

While The Eight We're Walking, They Heard Singing.

"Lollipop" "Is That? Singing?"

The Eight Saw Four "Ceatures" And A Furry Dog.

"Popka" "What In The Living Hell Is That?"

"Uzi" "It's Not Just Singing, It's A Singing Scarecrow, Amongst Other Oddities."

"Klonoa" "Huh, Anyways, I'll Go Talk To Them."

"Popka" "I'll Come With You Klonoa."

"Beck" "Should We Go With Klonoa And Popka?"

"Uzi" "Nah Beck."

Klonoa And Popka Sneaked Upped To The Five And Then The Two Erupted The Five's Singing.

"Klonoa" "Hey Do You Need Some Help?"

"Dorothy" "Another One To Join Us On Our Journey! And What Are You Missing?"

"Klonoa" "Hewpow I Guess? Um, Can I Take The Scarecrow?"

"Dorothy" "Why?"

"Klonoa" "Because I Think He's Evil, I Read A Comic Before With Him In It And He Was Evil And Had No Heart."

"Tinman" "No, I'm Heartless, He's Brainless."

"Scarecrow" "Am I Still A Villain Thought?"

Then A Blue Portal Appeared Near The Five.

"Lion Guy" "I S.... S... See Something Scary!"

"Tinman" "What? Is It Toto Again?"

"Dorothy" "Oh My! You Are Heartless!"

"Dorothy" "Oh No! Not Another Tornado!"

Klonoa Picked Upped Popka And Put His Pac Man Hat Near His Face.

Then The Five Got Sucked Upped By The Portal.

"Uzi" "What The Hell Just Happened?!"

"Beck" "And Who Was That Laughing?"

"Lily" "Don't Know, Don't Care."

"Zari" "Hey, Is That One Of The Pieces Of The Gateway."

"Klonoa" "Yeah, Let's Grab It And Get Out Of This Drug Trip Of A World."

The Four Continued To Walk Down The Road Until They Saw A Bunch Of Pink Flowers.

"Zari" "OHHHHHHHH, Pretty Flowers."


Then Zari Fell Asleep.

Uzi Then Try To Wake Up Zari.

Then Zari Woke Up.

"Zari" "Thanks Uzi."

"Uzi" "You're Welcome, Call, Scan What's Wrong With These Flowers."

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