The Vermilion Destroyer

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Klonoa Was Sitting On A Edge Near The Upper Side Of Vorton.

"Klonoa" "Sigh, Huepow...."

Lila Was Walking Near The Upper Side Of Vorton Until She Saw Klonoa.

"Lila" "Hey Klonoa, Felling A Little Down?"

"Klonoa" "Yeah...."

"Lila" "Why Are You Down?"

"Klonoa" "Thinking About A Friend."

"Lila" "What Friend?"

Lila Then Sat Down Next To Klonoa.

"Klonoa" "A Friend I Had Before, His Name Was Huepow."

"Klonoa" "He Was My Friend For A Long Time, We Went On A Adventure To Stop A Villain Named Ghadius, But After We Stop Him, I Learned A Dark Truth."

"Lila" "What's That Dark Truth?"

"Klonoa" "That Our Friendship Was Fake, I Found Out I Was A Dream Traveler, And My Homeworld, Phatomile Was Not The Place I Lived, And Then I Was Sent To My Real Home World."

"Lila" "Damn."

"Klonoa" "Yep, You Know, If You Found If You're Best Friend's Friendship Was Fake, That Would Be Sad, Like Heck, I Was Only Young When That Happened."

"Jaune" "We're You Guys Talking About Me?"

"Lila" "Jaune, Just Go."

"Jaune" "Okay, Fine...."

Klonoa And Lila Just Sit There Sad Until Beck Called For Them.

"Beck" "Hey Guys, You Have To See This."

"Klonoa" "Okay, Come On Lila."

Then Klonoa And Lila Then Went Down To See What Was It.

"Lila" "What Is It Beck?"

"Beck" "Call Is Picking Up Something Down Here, Maybe We Can Check It Out."

"Uzi" "Yeah, Let's Check It Out, Come On Guys."

Then The Group Went Down The Strange Stairs.

When The Group Got Down To The Place, The Area Seemed To Be A Abandoned Lab.

"Agent 3" "Whoa, What Happened To This Place?"

"Callie" "It Looks Like This Place Was Hidden Under Vorton."

Then A Red Robot Attacks The Group.

"Uzi" "WHAT THE?!"

"Ray" "WHERE IS HE?!"

"Emma" "Who?"

"Uzi" "Look Red Robot Thing, We Don't Know Who You're Talking About, Just Stay Quiet And Get Killed By This Railgun."

Uzi Then Shoots Her Railgun At Ray But She Survives The Blast.

"Uzi" "She Dogged My Railgun, No One's Ever Done That Before."

"Klonoa" "Who Cares If She Dogged The Attack, Throw Everything You Got At Her!"

The Group Try To Use Their Attacks On Ray But Nothing Worked.

Ray Then Runs Away.

"Klonoa" "Guys, Follow Her."

The Group Then Run To Where Ray's Going.

The Group Then Meet Ray In A Computer With Dead Beings On The Floor.

"Ray" "I Will Have My Answers....."

"Ray" "FROM HIM!"

Then The Computer Shows A Image Of Lord Vortech.

"Klonoa" "What Do You Want With That Person?"

"Ray" "You.... You Know This Man?"

"Klonoa" "We Don't Know Who That Is."

"Ray" "You WILL Tell Me EXACTLY Where I Can Find Him."

"Agent 3" "Wait, We Can Talk This Out!"

Then The Battle With Ray Starts.

"Klonoa" "Well, I Guess There's No Choice, Everyone, ATTACK!"

Then Everyone Try To Fight Ray.

In A Miracle, The Group Was Able To Defect Ray.

"Klonoa" "Look, Stop What You're Doing, We Can Help You!"

"Ray" "Wait.... You Can?"

"Klonoa" "Yes, We Can Help You, You Can Join Us On Our Quest To Save Our Friends, The Guy You're Talking About Is Maybe The Person That Got Us In This Mess."

"Ray" "Thank You.... My Name Is Ray."

"Klonoa" "Okay, Good, Guys, Let's Get Back To Vorton."

To Be Continued.

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