•~oli x regie: "kiss"~•

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Hello, I am back! Just a warning I'll be here since this is a fanfic I'll be a side character and won't ship me with anyone cause no

In this story I'll have my full name Eunice Hermione but everyone will call me hermione cause it's a nick name :3

(Oliver pov)

It was 10 am and regie was hanging out with hermione our young kid member she's the youngest along with my brother but Seb has a bf and Isn't it funny how my younger brother got a bf faster than me. Right?

Me and regie shared a room cause we had no more rooms for hermione before she moved in so yeah, but right now I'm hearing giggles and laughter from her room.

She was with regie and darren

How do I know? Well first of Darren is there and Seb is at the mall with ryan Justin and Kane.

Ty is with Bae with the boys
supervising them.

I went outside to go knock at hermione's door

I was panicking on who would answer cause I wanna ask where regie is first.

Well here goes nothing


(Regie pov)

While me Darren and hermione were laughing because of Darren falling we heard knocks and we don't know who it is.

"Go open the door stupid idiot!" Hermione yelled at me
"Alright alright I will!!" I yelled back

I got up and went to the door and opened it, once I opened it it was who I didn't expect it to be


"Oh hey reg" said Oliver
"Oh hey didnt expect you to knock" I had said
"I have a question" Oliver said
"Ask away" I replied
"No in private." He replied
"Oh ok..." I said getting suspicious

Oliver went to our room and I followed

"So... What is it?"I asked Oliver getting curious
"Do you like Me regie?" He asked back
"I-" I stuttered getting flustered
"Can you answer my question?" Oliver had asked getting worried

(Oliver pov)

I asked regie getting worried the fact he may say no

"I-i t-think so.." regie said relieving me
" I like you too. " I said getting closer
" I-i" regie stuttered trying to say something while he was trying to talk I kept walking closer and closer he was backing away until he hit the wall I cornered him before he could run and kissed him passionately.

I licked his lips trying to get permission just to get denied.
So I put a hand on his member he slightly moans and I took that as an advantage to get my tongue in his mouth, with me exploring every cavern and us fighting for dominance that I won on

we pulled away with me kissing him on the cheeks and following him outside in hermione's room.

(Hermione pov)

"How long are they gonna be making out?" I asked Darren
"I DONT KNOW STOP ASKING MEEEEE" Darren yelled at me
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled at Darren laughing him joining me a few minutes later.

We heard another knock which made us stop laughing, I went up and opened the door just to see regie flustered with oli right behind him.
"Ah so our theories were right from regie's swollen lips." I had said teasing the flustered regie who was my best friend.
"So I'm guessing y'all are now dating?" I had spoken up but this time asking

Oliver nodded yes and I let them in

"Darren guess what."I told Darren
"What?" He asked
" They were makin' out in their bedroom I was correct HAH now give me my 5 bucks" I said he hands me the five bucks then I patten him saying good boy

(Oli pov)

We all heard the door open knowing it was them I dragged out them all out in the living room

" Hey guys " Seb Ryan and justin said at the same time
"Hey daddy~" Darren said
"HOLY SHIT" hermione said laughing me Ryan Kane justin and regie following soon after
We all looked at Seb and he was as red as a tomato

He was slowly getting back to normal walking close to Darren he pulled Darren and went to their room

"Oh my god" hermione said chuckling "we really need to stop Darren saying those to Seb before he gets fucked daily" hermione said
Regie nodded in agreement
And so did we.


3rd pov

1 minute later

They heard moans and skin slapping in Darren's and seb's room knowing what going on they decided to get outside in the garden.

The end

Poor Darren why'd he have to say that IMAO

Thank you for reading love you guys!



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