•~seb x darren: "kiss"(pt2)~•

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Hey there this is the second part for the last one

Basically a continuation!

(Darren pov)

Oliver had dragged us out of Hermione's room into the living room

Suggesting he heard Seb and the others back

Seb walked in and said hey

"Hey daddy~" I said towards seb

Hermione cracks up not expecting that
Seb walks towards me knowing what will happen

He grabbed me and dragged me to our bedroom throwing me onto our bed him kissing me harshly

He licked my lips asking for entrance
In which I denied which causes him to slide his hand under my shirt with his free hand with the other one holding both of my arms above my head,

he squeezes my nipples hard which made me moan loud and he quickly slips his tongue in my mouth making me hard

He pulled away from my lips making me whine

(Seb pov)

He whined how cute
I started to bite his neck and making marks

I took our shirts off in a second

Then I slowly trailed down to his stomach

I stopped and pulled away from his stomach slipping his pants down slowly

"Seb~ faster please~" he said seductively

"Nuh uh~ you need to be patient darling~" I said also seductively this is the first time I used the nickname darling

When I saw him I couldn't bare his flustered face and nice body.

Oh how hot his body is I just wanna fuck him hard.


Bitch yeah no I'm done with smut

(Darren pov)

I woke up, my ass sore and Seb hugging me from behind me

When I checked the time it was 9:00am.

I tried to get up but found out that I couldn't

With me knowing that I went to sleep.


Y'all thank u for reading I want sleep please


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