Chapter Eight: Let Me Go

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At the door was Secretary of State General Ross. Vision brings him to where everyone else is. They all go into the conference room to talk. This seems very serious. They all sit down around the conference table and look at Ross.

Ross: Hello everyone. Sorry to just drop in. I know you all are very busy.

Nat: What can we help you with?

Ross: I received word today that Wanda Maximoff is missing and has been taken. Which I am sure you already know by now. We were sent a disturbing video that I need you all to see.

Nat: Is it Wanda?

Ross: yes. I need you all to prepare yourselves for why you are about to see and hear. Let's play the video right now.

All the avengers look at the screen. Ross plays the video that they were sent. The first part of the video has no visuals, just audio. It's of Wanda screaming in pain.


She continues to scream in the first part of the video. Then after the screaming is done, the video cuts to visuals only. It is of Wanda just sitting down in a blue straight jacket. There is something around her neck to prevent her from using her powers.

Steve: That's enough. Turn it off.

Everyone is in shock. Poor Wanda. They need to help her as soon as possible. They can't believe this has happened. Who took Wanda? What do they want?

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