Chapter Twenty-Six: Time to Mourn

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Tony and Steve tell Thor and Clint about Wanda. Thor just got back from Asgard. Meanwhile Nat and Bruce are planning the funeral for Wanda. Everyone is upset. Wanda was an important part of the team. They need time to mourn her. Mourning will be hard for everyone.

Tony: We tried everything to get Wanda back.

Steve: yeah. We did.

Thor: I leave for a short time and this happens. How did this even happen in the first place? If I was here I could have saved her. I know it.

Clint: Well you weren't here Thor. Hydra out smartest us. We had a solid plan. It was supposed to work.

Steve: The plan was perfect.

Tony: I can't believe this happened.

Thor: We are the Avengers, they aren't supposed to outsmart us.

Clint: Well they did and now Wanda is gone. No point in arguing about it. She was just a kid.

Steve, Thor, and Tony look at Clint. Everyone handles death differently.

Clint: she had her whole life ahead of her. She lost so much and now she's gone. This makes me sick to my stomach.

Steve: same here Clint.

Tony: The only thing we can do now is celebrate her life.

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