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Physical Attacks

When Wil finally could move the sun light was starting to peak over the hill. Wilbur shuffled up quickly trying to ignore the stabbing cold pain in his neck and fuzzy thoughts. Upon standing up his vision blurred but he stood strong, his only clear thought was, "Inside, I need explanations. Inside. I need to get inside." He needed to get inside.
He walked at a brisk pace to get to the back gate. Which he opened it calmly before racing inside and flinging open the back door. Wil ran into the living room.
"TOMMY YOU LITTLE BITCH WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed into the house.
The boy calmly stepped out of the shadows. He had on a bloody white shirt and loose jeans, his short blond hair with curled bangs was neatly combed into the proper shape. His normally bright blue eyes seemed to be tinted brown. The color of Tommy's skin was... off... paler that usual and almost greenish. He had a small red star under one of his ears, that with closer inspection had gained a sharper point, almost elf like.
"T- Tommy? Are you sick..?" Wilbur said with fear.
"Not at all Wil! In fact, I feel better than ever!" Tommy said brightly, "You should get a look at yourself, you look terrible. Then again, I dont know how you could look at yourself, no camera or mirror will work now." He added with a slight smirk.
"What do you mean, now? What the fuck did you do with that bite!?" He said getting more fearful with each word. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?"
Wilbur then ran at Tommy, attempting to pin him down and get answers.
Tommy easily dodged while yawning. Wilbur reached for Tommy's feet and pulled him over. Quickly, Wilbur pinned the smaller boy to the floor.
"What did the bite do you little shit!?" Wilbur yelled as he glared at Tommy with with anger.
He raised his hand to hit Tommy but  stopped when Tommy flinched. Wilbur moved away from the blonde boy while staring into space. "What did I almost do? I am so sorry Tommy... I didn't mean too." Wilbur said as he stood up. Without another word he held his hand out to help Tommy up. Tommy tentatively grabbed Wilbur's hand.

To be continued when I have energy.

Words: 394

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