Pt 1 Ch 7: 𝘗𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘌𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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It was the period before last, at PE, and I was absolutely crushing the volleyball drills. I wiped off my sweat with my shirt. I sat down to catch my breath. All the girls walked past me and gave me high-fives. The coach began getting out the basketballs for the boys to warm up with. Since the boys weren't in there yet, I decided to ask the coach if I could shoot some hoops. "Hey, coach," I yelled to him.

"Yes, Byers?" he responded.

"Am I allowed to practice with a ball until the boys come in here?"

"Sure," he replied. "But if you get in trouble for being late to your next class, it's not my fault."

"I understand."

I grabbed a ball and began shooting hoops. I dribbled between my legs, slightly showing off for the boys walking in. It was funny to see their expressions as I did. They were so awestruck that a girl was so much better than them. I laughed under my breath slightly. The coach ran after me as I was shooting a dunk, getting the ball cleanly in. "Wow! I didn't know you were so good!" he exclaimed with amazement.

"Thank you," I said smiling, out of breath.

"You're so good, I could put you in for some of the boys on the team," he said behind his hand quietly.

I chuckled. "Stop, really?" I teased.

I knew how to get my way with people. "I just wish I had more time to practice, if ya know what I mean."

"Well then stay for the next period! You can play and scrimmage with the boys to show them how it's done," he offered. "I'll go tell your teacher. What teacher do you have next?"

In my head I smiled. It worked. "Really? Well, I have Mrs. Woods next, but I don't know if she'd let me-"

He cut me off. "Me and her are good friends, I'm sure she'd understand. I'll go talk to her now."

He walked away. I smirked. I continued shooting hoops from the half-court line. "Wow, Byers, they let you stay," I heard a familiar voice say.

"Nice to see you too, Billy," I replied still focusing on getting the shot just right.

I shot it and it went in. I victoriously did a movement of accomplishment with my wrist. "Yessss," I whispered happily.

"That was impressive, Ms. Byers," Billy said, slightly jogging to get the ball.

I watched as his necklace bounced on and off of his chest and how his curls slightly brushed against his neck. He actually looked like a dream. He tossed the ball to me. "Wanna scrimmage?" he asked walking up to me.

"Sure, why not," I began dribbling the ball.

He went behind me as I tried to move. "Oh, you think that's gonna work?" he teased.

He put his arms around me, not touching me, to block me. He moved with me as I went backwards, pushing against him. I felt him against me as I quickly moved around him. I shot the hoop behind him and I yelped. "HA! SCOREEE!!!"

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes sarcastically while smiling. "Damn, it's hot in here," he said fanning himself.

He slowly pulled his sweaty shirt off himself. He tossed it to the side. I saw his perfect tan reflect off of the sunlight in the gym. He was perfect, literally perfect. "Geez, put a shirt on, show off!" Steve yelled walking into the court.

Billy turned so that Steve could see me behind him. "Oh," he noticed me. "Hi Adds."

"Hey, Steve," I said looking at the ground.

"Well, if it isn't King Steve. I've heard a lot about you," Billy said dribbling the ball around Steve, teasingly.

Steve rolled his eyes as he stole the ball from Billy smoothly. The two fought for the ball as I taught another kid on the team how to score. I payed close attention to the two boys, but I was caught off guard as I heard that bitch talk. "Steve?"

Everyone turned to see Nancy Wheeler in the gym. She was 'humbly' holding her bag, like I didn't know what she did. How she treated Steve. How she had been an absolute asshole "Can I talk to you?"

Steve jogged outside with her. I shook my head to clear any upcoming intrusive thoughts. I like Steve, but then again, I slept with Billy the night before. I didn't know who I wanted, but I for sure don't want Nancy Wheeler upsetting one of them.

Steve stormed back in, obviously pissed off. He rolled his eyes. "What happened?" I asked running up to him before he stepped foot inside of the court.

"Well," he said. "I basically just broke up with Nancy because she didn't even know that Jonny took her home last night and because she-" he paused. "Because she couldn't say that she loved me. She never has been able to, so, I'm not surprised."

"I'm so sorry," I tried to comfort him.

"Oh, and she told me that you and Hargrove slept together which kinda worsens my mood," he sternly admitted, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh my God. You've only known me for like 3 days! And besides, I am not your property, or your girlfriend. You already had one of those, so why do you care?" I couldn't believe the words that had escaped my mouth

"Well, at least I know what's better for you! And in this situation, Hargrove's and actual dick. So if you wanna break your heart, go ahead, be my guest," Steve caught everyone's attention.

The room went silent. Billy stormed over in the same manner as Steve came in. "Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Billy yelled in Steve's face. "And watch who YOU are calling 'dick' you bastard!"

Damn it.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦 (Steve Harringtonxfem ocxBilly Hargrove)Where stories live. Discover now