Me: hello. I am back.
Jeff: hello. holy shit what happened to you. You look so tired and sick.
Me: it's called cold dry air and Monday.
Toby: I would not have expected to ever see you like this now tell us what happened.
Me: Toby you read my mind I was going to have you all react to my everyday life or at least today.
Ej: oh this is going to be long I can just tell.
Me: yeah it is going to take awhile but I have the time.
BEN: of course you do.
Me: anyway I need to start. So I wake-up after getting only 4 hours of sleep.
Liu: oh God that explains why you look so tired.
Me: the other reason is because I have green eyeliner kinda stained there from yesterday but anyway. I didn't want to get up but I had to so after I got up I got breakfast which happened to be a small bowl of cereal. And 10 minutes before I had to leave the house to get to the bus stop I ran to get dressed and because I had gym class today I had to wear sweatpants and I had to choose a shirt and I chose a red mock turtle neck I also didn't get the normal amount of black coffee I normally have it was a dunkin girl scout thin mint iced coffee it tasted good also I didn't yell at anyone.
Slender: Congratulations.
Me: yeah but anyway I nearly died in gym hurting throat and running a lot don't mix well. Also I have a horrible headache.
Trender: you poor thing.
Me: it also doesn't help that my eye haven't been able to do their job properly for a few days now.
Toby: you are very stressed right now huh.
Me: yes yes I am.
Toby: *hugs moonysnakey* does this make you feel better.
Me: yes it does thank you Toby.
Toby: * let's go of moonysnakey* no problem.
Me: anyway so that'd the end of this chapter bye see you next time. If there is one that is.