Blind Elemental

131 6 38

Lloyd POV

No-one at Darkley's even considered the consequences of a prank going terribly wrong until it hit them in the face, or more accurately, me in the face.

I wasn't even part of the prank and not that close to it when some part of it went wrong. I don't know what, since I was reading a comic book I stole from another kid. I heard a screeching noise from where a few others were, looked over, and saw a thing flying towards my face before everything flashes white then goes black.

When I woke up from getting hit, I thought I was still asleep or something because there was nothing in front of me.

"Hey Lloyd, you okay? You were bleeding in the head for a while." Brad, I think, said next to me.

"Move. I'll check for a concussion." That was a teacher's voice.

I know my eyes are open, I can feel that. I try looking around but I can't find anything. Was whatever happened that bad for people in Darkley's to actually be concerned for me? Well I can't see, so maybe?

"How many fingers am I holding up?" The teacher asks.

"Dude, his eyes are duller?" One of the kids in front of me whispers.

"What really?" Another asks

"Yeah, see? It looks normal instead of glowing-in-the-dark now." The first one says again.

"Lloyd, you haven't answered me. How many do you see?" The teacher asks again.

"Lloyd?" Brad asks. I can feel his arm on my shoulder

"None." I finally say


"I can't see your fingers. I can't see anything."

Despite how calmly I had said that, everyone around me started freaking out.

"Let's get you out of here." Brad whispers beside me, pulling me up as the teacher starts yelling at them to calm down and stuff about detentions.

When the noises quieted down, I started talking again.

"Thanks, Brad."

"No problem. But with what you said.. Are you actually, ya know, or were you lying."

He lets go of my shoulders, which he was doing to guide me, and changes it to just my left arm.

"I'm actually not able to- oof." I think I tripped over something, stumbling for a second I right myself and look back at where I believe I tripped from.

"Ugh are you blind Lloyd? You just walked over me." Gene's voice says from in front of me.

"Yeah. I think so."


"A prank went wrong in the courtyard. Lloyd was close by when a plastic thing holding the stuff together went flying and hit him in the eyes. I was walking over to him when it all happened" Brad explains

"Oh crap. That sucks."

"It hurts, that's for sure." I say

"You never mentioned that." Brad says, returning to my left.

"No-one asked." I shrug my shoulders.

I can practically feel the disappointment while they help me get back into mine and Brad's shared dorm on the tenth floor, oh FSM I am screwed.

Ok, I want to move rooms, that was too hard to get to. Thankfully I am on my bed now. Gene, I think, is standing, and Brad is either on his bed or standing close to it.

Blind ElementalWhere stories live. Discover now