In the eye of the Beholder: Veras forbidden love

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Miles grew up in a gym,

[Enter Joshua Keith Waldon Jr. Portraying Miles]

He was of a height too short for dating apps but too tall for me, he was of above-average weight, and raised in the painstakingly horrible and cheerleader infested town of Athens, Ohio.

But this story isn't about him, it's about his ex-girlfriend Vera.

[Enter Vera]

Vera, at the time, was in the inbetween stages of being a hot mess and being an emo.

She remembered the day she met Miles like it was yesterday, and the months passing in which Miles promptly drop Kicked the relationship into the sun, not unlike Fetuses' bringing into life

[When entering, Asiah presents the trashed and torn baby, Fetus]

[Exit Asiah and Fetus]

It was a hot summer day, one much hotter than Miles, or the actor that portrays him. Miles saw Vera laying under a shady tree, crying, and Miles came to her rescue. He had curled his arms up around Vera, as if to show someone was there for her. The entire exchange was very predatory and weird, but this was the 90s, women's rights had not been invented yet.

They were known amongst some to skip out of class at similar times, they would commonly... make out... nothing else, in very weird places. It seems only one person did not know, and her name was Agnes Evans.

[Enter Agnes]

It was around this time that Miles started dating Agnes, with Vera's consent of course

[Vera taps Miles' shoulder very sensually? As she exits]

It has started off as simple waving in the hallways for Agnes [wave] then it became frequent talking, eventually it became Miles and Agnes mingling together, hands close together, and Miles avoiding nothing but the Lesbian bomb.

This was not the crumbling of Vera's love, no, that was because of a nerdy girl, and her name was Sarah.

[Exit Miles and Agnes]

[Enter Sarah and Vera]

Sarah played too much dungeons and dragons, but somehow the horrible geeky nature of her allured Vera. Whenever Vera would see Sarah they would look into eachothers eyes, and Vera would bite her lip. At this time all Vera could think about was Copulating, fornicating, intense consensual stimulus. And Sarah could notice.

[Exit All]

They had agreed to meet in the theater, a place only Miles and Vera would use, for nobody was their commonly. Vera came first, she was always prepared.

[Enter Vera]

Vera was thinking to herself, she couldn't help but think of how weird her situation was, she had only talked to Sarah a few times, but the two of them knew each other very well, their emotions had never lied.

[Enter Sarah, sneakily]

Sarah was making not a sound, for Vera nothing was heard, not even a mouse.

You can imagine the surprise when Sarah jumps up behind Vera and Sarah wrapped herself around her.

Sarah, being a nerd 🤓, just realized she touched another woman for the first time, she wasn't sure what to do, so she tried to get away. But the motion coming out was nothing short of... a pelvic thrust.

Now this was some serious hot girl on hot girl action and that is very very gay, but in the words of the great Dm biggs, who is well known for being big where it counts, "I'm so straight"

The two girls separate from each other, now facing one another Sarah curls her hair with her index finger. Vera responds with the bite of her lip. She then opens her mouth, the words flowing out of her mouth like she was destined to say them, she says,

"That was naughty" she closes in on Sarah "Thou art a villain."

Vera goes in for a kiss.

[Enter Miles]

Vera and Sarah hold their gasps, knowing nobody can see them in the dark theater.

Miles screams out,

"Vera, are you here? I'm afraid I can't see much of anything in this darkness, but I can feel you."

Miles searches for the light switch, but once the room is illuminated he is in horror at what he sees. It was Vera and Sarah holding each other, lipstick all over both of their faces.

"Babe?" Miles questions.

Vera takes a minute to respond, "I'm sorry"

Miles is appalled, shocked, frightened, and weirdly turned on, he begins to lose his bearings has he moves closer,

"Y-you're a, a les, lebian, lesbi- lesbi- Lesbian!"

There it was, the Lesbian bomb, Vera knew that the second the Lesbian bomb was brought up that the two would have to separate.

Miles fainted from being so god damn straight not long after, and Vera made her escape. Vera never saw Sarah again, when she asked around for her whereabouts she would get very confused answers. It was as if Sarah never existed. Miles himself believes Sarah to be an alien from the planet called backstage. For Vera, however, she feels Sarah is still out there, waiting for a booty bump or Time Warp. And that was the end of that, but not the end of Vera's story...

[Exit all except Vera]

Act 2, The Millenium Eye

In the year 2012 a great dry spell hit across America. Great philosopher Chuck Biggs is quoted for saying, "and let there be li-" oh wait, sorry, wrong quote, that was god. The actual quote is,

"Back in the good old days we listened to the Beatles and to Beck. But these years everything stinks."

So it was that the term "The Stink Years" was made, Sir Biggs, being one of the most influential philosophers of his day, died during an acid trip. His last words were, "Holy Shit, I can fly!" He then promptly jumped off a bridge, landing into a manure pile.

In modern day Vera is searching, she carries a rifle with her. Her father died recently and left her nothing but a password to a giant building that shines over the hill, it was combined with a note that said nothing but,

"Vera, my lovely daughter, when you reach the tower you will be home, and at home You're in good company."

Vera, walking the streets, passes by a long line going towards a bathroom, from the line Agnes is spotted out,

"Vera! Please! A penny! A penny! I would do anything, a penny for a pee!"

Vera stayed emotionless, she walked past the line swiftly, making her way towards the tower.

At the front gate of the tower she plugs in the passcode to the small digit reader, 8-0-0-8-5. The door opens, the inside is lined in gold and golden toilets are sprawled about.

A large man was in front of Vera, he looked even more like a predator than Miles did, and he was a good girl.

"Oh, Vera Millenium, and all grown up too, come to join your fathers little operation?"

And that, my dear adventurers, is how I met your mother.


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