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"You wanna stay?" Julie asks when more and more guests start to leave. I take a look around, seeing people prepping to leave. "Sure." I mumble, as a grin starts spreading on her face. "What did you say?" She teases. I know she heard me, the music is long gone and the loudest people already gone home. "I know you heard me." I say, pouting. "Oh, don't pout at me!" She hisses sarcastically, while putting her hand on my cheek. I try to remain my pouting while looking at her, but my pout slowly turns into a smile. After a while when all the guests are gone,  we're chilling in her bed cuddling, procrastinating cleaning. I'm laying on top of Julie, her arms around me. Every now and then she kisses my forehead. She's keeping me near with her arms around my waist. The position of her arms give me some butterflies. "You still awake?" She asks while stroking my hair. I let out a content sound and nod to tell her I'm still awake. I feel her chest rumble, she's giggling. "You're cute." I feel a blush creeping up my face. She kisses my neck. "Don't get so shy! You need to stand for your cuteness." I feel my body freeze at the sensation of her lips on my neck. I feel her arms squeeze me closer, pulling shivers down my spine. She continues kissing my neck every kiss more and more hungry for me. Pulling sounds out of me, she sucks on my neck. I turn myself around to face her. Her eyes look at me hungry for more and my eyes respond in the same way. "Want a kiss?" She asks while smirking. "Y-Yeah." I stutter. She leans in. Her soft lips touching mine with hunger. It doesn't take long for her to use her tongue and oh am I happy for it. She climbs on top of me, straddling my lap. Holy shit! She's straddling my lap! I try not to let my excitement show and focus on the feeling of her lips. I love the taste of her lips. Sweet, like a piece of cake on your birthday. Just as much as that I can't wait to taste her lips again. Every time she parts to take a breath I come closer making our lips touch again. I feel pressure going downs my body. Shit! I abruptly part trying to get her off of me, but she remains firm no matter how hard I try. Before I am free I can feel something going up. Julie raises a brow. "Are you hard?"

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