Animals dead and alive :)

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Missy's POV

It was quite for once no guitar no things being dropped that you shouldn't drop just my fear screaming in my head that he's dead for no reason.

I walked out my room to see the doctor slumped in a chair completely out cold, he looked peaceful for once not busy it was nice.

I went back to my room grabbing one of my many blankets before returning to place it over him neatly. "Sleep tight Doctor who." I left not wanting to disturb him.

I sat down back on my bed looking at the small picture I had of him from when he was younger back in school.

Doctor's POV

I woke up being wrapped in a blanket? I shouldn't of even been sleeping. I got up leaving the blanket on the chair looking at my wrist watch. 01:48.

I looked over at the hall wondering what she was up to in her room, as I stepped down the steps to the console looking at where we were I heard her piano again, on the higher notes, I couldn't recognise the pice it was gloomy unlike her normal ones all cheery and bright and flowy.

I walked down the galling listening to her quite singing to the song, it sounded like a pice she knew, knew well not just first few try's. I slowly turned the doorknob not wanting her to see me as I stood lent on the doorframe watching her play, the sheet music was taped together and muddy and torn.

The song ended and so I clapped at her performance making her jump and slip back of her chair falling on her back. "DOCTOR!" I giggled before going over pulling her back by the arms so her legs would fall off the chair before helping her up off the floor. "You didn't have to sneak up on me." "I know but you would stop singing if I didn't." She flushed red looking away I smiled "aww embarrassed." "NO SHUT UP!" I wrapped my arms around her gently hugging her, she sighed leaning back on me. "Your voice is nice dear dont be embarrassed by me listening." "Its not its shit." I rolled me eyes squeezing her sides gently making her giggle. "How cute."

She was sat on her bed looking at the ' strange creature' a cat I don't know how its here but I cant get near it to dispose of it or just give it to a human. "Missy please it'll have rabies or something." "NO ITS MINE IN MY ROOM!" She was now cradling the thing like a baby "ok ok but it stays in this room." "Fineeeeee..... now hold it." "No- yes." How on earth did she get my screwdriver... wait THATS A GLOWING UMBRELLA HOW I TOOK THAT AWAY. "Now hand over the umbrella and I'll leave you with the kitty." She threw it at me so I left her with the cat hoping it would be dead next I see it.

Missy's POV

"Who's cute yes you are." I was sat with the fluff ball for hours.

"Missy? You hungry?" "Can I bring Doctor... Who..." "Missy you didn't dare do that." "Oh I did now meet your son." He just grabbed Doctor Who out my arms and walked out so I ran after him"DOCTOR!" he just kept walking. "Im not keeping this thing on board." "NO YOU SAID-" "then change the name." I huffed crossing my arms "Master it is then." He smiled handing back my baby.

He was sat across from me eating the the what is this slop and how is he eating it. I continued to push my knife around in it, before I got up taking his plate away. "WHAT IS THIS ?!" "Hayyy." He spoke his mouth full "its food." "WHAT?! Food?" "A mix of everything there was blended." My jaw is literally on the floor. "And from now on I cook." "Its goo-" "its glop now I'll be back in 10-30 minutes you do not leave this table and will apologise and explain why you make that thing." Before he uttered a word I was gone with the plaits and just binned the stuff before finding bits and bobs and made fish with mushy peas because he's old or because the textures clearly better.

I placed it in front of him "and what are you going to say." "Im sorry for the horrible food." "Good now eat it or I'll hold you over a cliff." I sat back down smiling at him as I ate him falling eating what I made.

"GIVE IT BACK ITS NOT FINISHED." He was holding it above his head looking at my hores made from the desk and a shape and glued with a kitchen knife and TARDOS tar the leftovers from time travel. "What is it what's your plan?" "To summon a pony what do you think." "I told you no pets the masters the last one you'll have." He really believed  that oh dear god I could slap him. "No its a model pony now give it back and let me finish it!"

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