Rainy Day 🌧

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This is the first part of this book, and like I said, I will be trying my best to update it weekly.

4/5/24. I rewrote this chapter, soooo hopefully its better

This chapter will be fluff

Kohane POV

It was getting late, it was around 6 P.M., and I was still at An's house. Usually, I would be on my way home by then, but on this night, it was beginning to rain. I packed my stuff back into my bag and started to walk down the stairs of her house.

"Wait, Kohane!" I felt An's arm hold me back before I got too far. "Hey, I think it would be best if you stayed the night here. It's starting to rain heavily, and I don't want you to walk all of the home."

An was right. I didn't bring an umbrella with me, either. "Oh, yeah..! That would be nice," I slowly turned around to face her. "But are you sure it's okay? I wouldn't want to burden you and-" I was cut off with a sudden hug.

"It's alright! Don't worry about us. We'll gladly let you stay over, okay?" An's words reassured me, and I hugged her back. It was nice, and reminded me of how much she really cared. An always smelled really good, too. I took a deep breath in, and really took in my surroundings. I didn't have my shoes on because I left them at their doorstep.

The carpeted floor of the ground felt so soft underneath me. An's house really did feel like a second home to me. "Okay, let's go back to your room, then. It'll give us more time to work on that choreo!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, sounds like a plan!" An replied, beaming radiantly. She grabbed my hand tightly and we made our ways to her room.

As soon as we made it in, I set down my bag lightly and pulled out my laptop from it. I placed it on her mattress after pulling back the fluffy bedding, where the two of us got comfortable right next to each other.

An brought over a few pens, some for writing, and some for notes. I took some highlighters out of my bag, and we got to working on the details of our next song quickly.

We discussed as we wrote, and I opened up an app on my laptop which had contained the song we were working on the choreography for. Every now and then, we would replay certain parts and jot down notes of issues to fix when needed.

Unexpectedly, a crack of lighting lit up the room, and thunder crashed from outside, shocking both of us.

"Eek!" An and I both flinched at the suddenness.

The other girl had slightly pulled up her covers, looking almost as if she was going to hide underneath them. "Gosh... Kohane, how about we take a little break? I'm sure we have something tasty to eat downstairs!" An seemed to be happier with that than worried about the storm.

I nodded. "Yeah! That sounds like fun. It's good to indulge in a sweet treat sometimes." The two of us hopped off of her bed and headed to the kitchen.

When we got there, we pulled out the two flavors of ice cream. An asked for me to get some toppings out of the pantry, and I did so willingly. The taller girl brought some milk and other supplies to the counter.

The two flavors of ice cream were rum raisin (since it's An's favorite,) and a classic strawberry. "Alright! Pick your flavor and toppings. Use as much as you want, or don't have any at all. Whatever floats your boat." As expected, An went straight for the rum raisin ice cream. That's her favorite! It's relieving to see her look so happy... I smiled to myself.

I contently watched my friend take her pick. I wasn't sure which flavor I'd prefer, so of course I went for a generous scoop of both. My favorite ice cream toppings were sprinkles and hot fudge, pretty basic, but never disappointing.

An had just finished making some hot cocoa, and we both carried our own drink and bowl to the couch with each other. "Thank you so much, An. I really appreciate it." I said, moving in closer to her. She accepted the gesture and we both cuddled up with each other.

"Don't worry about it! I'd gladly let you over anytime, and since you're our guest for tonight, I'm more than happy to treat you." We continued to take some bites out of our ice cream, and sips from our drinks. I hugged An by her side, and she hugged me back. I really like this. An js the best friend I could ever ask for, and I really wanna do something like this again.

Just like before, a loud crash came from outside, and a bunch of thumps came hitting the roof. The rain was heavily pouring down now, and it seemed like there was hail falling as well. "Eek!" We both winced at the sounds again.

"Haha! I can't believe it got us again. I thought for sure I'd be distracted down here." She giggled.

"I guess it's hard to avoid it!" I laughed along with her. "An, this is really nice! Do you think it'll be okay if we do something like this again? I've had a lot of fun today." I confessed.

"Totally! Whenever you want to, just come over. You don't even have to ask, honestly! We're open arms, here." An answered, bringing me in for a tighter hug, which I gladly accepted.

An is so nice! I can't wait to do something like this again with her!


OKKAAYYY this is my first Anhane fic thing, I sort of rushed this one because I ran outta ideas, but I already started so I felt like I had to finish it ☠️

Anyways the next one will be longer I swear 💖

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