Chapter eight

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Blair leaned herself against Scott side. The alpha and beta was dismissed by Melissa. Who claimed she'll handle Alex. Blair was doubtful but wouldn't dare argue with the older Hispanic woman. "Blair!". Alex shouted causing the two werewolves to stop in their tracks.

"Son of a bitch" Blair whispered underneath her breathe as her head hung low in shame. Scott looked over his shoulder his eyebrow raising, "who are you?". Alex folded her arms over her chest. "The one and only true alpha" she pointed out as her head tilted, "right in front of me".

Shivers ran down Scott spine. "Don't make me repeat my question". Scott warned as his shoulders tensed up. Now he was fully turned around with his arm out blocking Blair from being in front of him. "She can't be by yourself for ever Scott". Alex mocked as her tongue ran over her bottom lip. Blair let out a low growl.

She didn't know how she was growling but she was. The weirdest part of it all was her growl didn't sound like her wolf. It sounded different- younger. "I don't need anyone protection!". Blair hissed as she attempted to step forward. Only for Scott arm to push her back a step.

Blair pushed his weight on his arm struggling to get it down. "Scott I swear!". She began to hit the alpha arm. All of the frustration and anger all broke lose as she fell to her knees sobbing. She couldn't understand why she was kidnapped, or even pregnant.

Before anyone could react to Blair hysterical sobs. Melissa and three huge security guards came storming down the hallways. The oldest McCall began shouting in Spanish ordering them to kick Alex out. Alex didn't even have a chance to react before getting pulled away.

Scott looked at his mom awaiting her approval. Melissa huffed as she placed her hands on her hips. The look in her eyes said it all. Scott quickly turned around . He got on his knees as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his chest.

"God I feel so pathetic!" Blair shouted as her sobs became quieter. "I hate crying Scott" she reminded the alpha as she dug her face into the crock of his neck. Scott hummed softly as he ran the palm of his hand against her back.

"It's okay Blair, I promise everything will be okay". Scott whispered quietly. Blair lifted her head up her eyes meeting Scott's. "What?". She asked lowly. Scott eyes flickered across the room before looking down at her. "I know everything that will happen, I just need you to hang on and fight besides me. Even when I become- just trust me".

Blair looked at Scott lips her eyes pupils dilated. Scott also looked down at hers his own eyes following after hers. Before anything to happen his phone ringing broke the tension.
"Take a leap of faith, please?". He begged.

Blair placed her hands on top of his cheeks, "I can't jump but I can follow after you". She smiled widely as her eyes looked down at her stomach that was pressing against Scott's. Scott smiled as he pulled away from her grabbing his phone. Blair watched as his eyes scanned his phone screen.

"It's stiles, we have to go" Scott stated as he jumped up. Blair sat on the floor as she crossed her arms over her chest pouting as Scott looked at her confusedly. His face immediately flushed as he realized she couldn't get up. Pregnant and all.

Blair giggled at his reaction as she held out her hands. Scott grabbed onto her lifting her up with ease. "See if you were a werewolf you wouldn't have been able to get my big ass up" she remarked with a smile. Scott rolled his eyes. "I didn't even use my werewolf strength". He said with a huge smile on his face.

Blair stood on her tippy toes as she reached forward using her right and left index finger to poke his dimples in. Exactly like she did all those years ago. Scott cheeks became pink as he shook his head still smiling softly.

"Carrying my child but still have childish traits not sure how I feel about that" Scott laughed as he wrapped his arm around her neck pulling him to his side. The two began walking out of the hospital.


Scott sighed heavily as he parked the car . "Getting you from your kidnappers was to easy" he pointed out his fingers gripping on the steer wheel. Blair leaned her head against the back of her seat she twisted her body- facing herself towards Scott.

"So what does that mean?" Blair asked as she unbuckled herself from the car. "It's never easy" he said uneasily. The look on his face could only be described with one word, terror.

Blair rubbed her for stomach as her baby kicked her stomach lightly. "Scott, if I die just make sure she's safe" Blair whispered her voice was so low and quiet Scott had to use his wolf hearing. "You aren't dying, neither am I not yet" Scott stated as he began climbing out of the car.

Blair sat for a moment as she recalled their conversation earlier, the look and tone of how he was talking made her realize. Beacon hills was truly hell on earth. It is also the place her baby will be born in and most likely raised.

"You coming?" Scott asked as he poked his head in the car. Looking up at her. Blair nodded her head as she opened her door. "Little help please".

Both Blair and Scott walked into the school building. Blair was holding onto his arm as she looked around the school. "I fucking hate school" she whined as she hide herself behind him. Luckily for her since she was about five foot as where Scott was about six foot tall.

Kira rushed over to the two not seeing Blair big belly bump. She happy jumped hugging her boyfriend . Scott smiled as he gave her a side hug placing a kiss on her cheek. Blair stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah, Um guys big whale right here" Blair announced as she waved her hand up in the air. Peering over from the side of Scott. "Oh hi" Kira greeted bitterly. "Tension" Blair muttered as she stepped forward.

"We haven't properly met" Blair acknowledged as she held out her hand, "I'm Blair also known as Scott baby mama". Kira eyed her choosing not to respond. The alpha took note of her behavior. Scott nudged Kira signaling her to stop.

"Sorry- I'm Kira Scott girlfriend". Kira finally muttered out still not holding eye contact with her. Blair became uncomfortable as she took a step back from Scott. "You have a girlfriend? Of course you do. God what does that make me? A fucking whore?" Blair began to ramble as a look of disgust washed over her face.

"We didn't have sex- no cheating so no you are not a whore" Scott reassured her. Blair nodded her head as she pulled her lip back with her teeth, "swear?".

"What is this kindergarten? He doesn't have to promise anything" Kira huffed as she pulled Scott away. Blair stood there watching, "what a bitch" she said loudly.  Scott pulled back giving Kira a look. "She has to be by my side she's not safe alone, Kira".

Blair smirked as she walked over to them. "So mind turning the bitchy attitude down? I could smell your jealousy and it's making you ugly" . Kira looked hurt as Scott pulled Blair to his side. She didn't understand that they aren't flirting but protecting their unborn child.

"Blair" Scott said in a disapproving tone. Blair huffed, "she was being a bitch to me first!".

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