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Hiro's POV:

As we quietly made our way downstairs we saw aunt Cass watching an old movie with mochi on her lap purring happily we dragged Baymax away from the TV as we went to my garage

Kerrigan: if we're gonna catch that guy your gonna need some upgrades!

Kerrigan said handing me the scanner

Baymax: will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional states

I smiled and said

Me: absolutely

I get on a computer

Me: let's work on your moves kerri you can make the armor Kay?

Kerrigan: got it!

After a while I kept downloading files onto a new chip and Kerrigan designed amor that made me laugh

Kerrigan: look we gotta keep his huggable design in tact and this stuff is stretchy so!

Baymax: I have some concerns this armor may undermine my non-threatening huggable design.

Kerrigan: oh don't worry bud it does anything but!

Baymax nods slightly

Kerrigan: and besides we want the guy in the mask to be intimidated so that's kinda the whole idea..!

Me: yeah you look sick!

Baymax: I can not be sick I am a robot.

Kerrigan: again buddy it's just an expression...

I nodded with a smile then she let me insert the new chip as I leave tadashis old chip in there

Baymax: I fail to see how karate make me a better healthcare companion.

Me: well you wanna keep us healthy don't you..? Punch this!

I looked away as Baymax punched through a wooden board

Me: yes!!

After some training

Kerrigan's POV:

We were at the loading docks of sanfransokyo it was cold so obviously I put hiro's jacket back on I don't know how he wasn't freezing

Hiro: alright guys in 3... 2-..

Suddenly lights appear Infront of us making Hiro and I gasp and he puts a protective arm in front of me and we see the gang come out of wasabis car

Wasabi gogo Fred and honey lemon: Hiro Kerrigan?

Me: guys what are you doing here...!?

Hiro: no no no get out of here go!

Wasabi: dude what are you doing out here

Hiro: n-nothing just out for a walk..! Helps our pubescent mood swings...

Wasabi: is that Baymax..?

Me: yeah but you guys really-!

Gogo: uh why is he wearing carbin fiber underpants..?

Baymax: I also know karate.

He said and makes small gestures with his hands

Hiro: you guys need to go!

Honey lemon: no don't push us away guys..! We're here for you that's why Baymax contacted us!

Fred: I mean kitty can talk to me when ever since she moved in with me...

Hiro: what-.. Ya know what now isn't the time-

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