Chapter One

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WARNING: As Telltale Series goes, the game is tailored by how you play. I imagine everyone's choices will be different so I will quickly explain the choices I made. I had a "Vigilante Joker" Romanced Catwoman, asked Waller to wipe Selina's criminal history clean, revealed my identity to Tiffany and lastly; Said goodbye to Alfred... (I'm so sorry).

As I watched Alfred walk away it was like the whole of my existence was put into question, all of my choices could have all lead to this moment. I didn't have time to think of the "why's" and the "what if's" the Batman symbol was in the sky once more, I couldn't let my citizens suffer. I can't be reckless, I need to be BETTER for Gotham.


Selina slowly made her way up the drive of the manor, although she has walked it many times, something felt different, more eerie than usual. The sheer silence had her mind in a spin. When she approached the grand double doors she had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knocked once but after waiting longer than a minute, she knew something was up, Alfred is normally quick to answer, ever the punctual butler. Luckily for Selina, she knew the manor well after breaking in to steal a device for a client. Along the side of the manor laid a trail of broken vines and moss, every time she would see it she'd scoff at how easy it would be for someone to break in, never mind a skilled cat burglar. When she had made it to the top she looked into the window that faces into the parlour, the window had steamed from the condensation inside, her eyes narrowed as she continued to look inside, she noticed out of corner of her eye an empty bottle of whiskey and a note that had been crumpled up, her anxiety began to rise as she contemplated the situation, it wasn't like Bruce or Alfred to drink heavily, the fact that she couldn't see them was a huge worry. Just as she began to regain her breath she saw an arm reaching out from the side of the couch, it was Bruce. Selina knew it was pointless to waste time by trying to break the lock of the window, she stood upon the ledge, grabbed onto one of the nearest vines that were supporting her weight and smashed the window with her foot.

Selina stumbled her way into the parlour, for once she wasn't worried about sneaking around trying to be smooth, her main concern was Bruce making sure he was okay. She scrambled over to him on her hands and knees, she felt the intense heat of his fireplace that seemed to have been on for some time. Bruce was barely conscious, his silent groans was a clear indicator that he was in trouble. His crisp, white shirt had most of the buttons undone, Selina gently moved the shirt open to see that he was covered in bruises. A serious injury he had gotten after becoming impaled by an iron bar during his fight with Joker, had become infected.

"Bruce, can you hear me?"

He groaned again, his breath reeked of whiskey, she began to shake him, and lightly slapping his face. It was pointless, it would have taken an army to move him in the state he was in. She didn't want to give in, she had to help. Selina pushed Bruce's shoulders to the ground and pulled his legs so they would be lying flat, she took some of the cushions from his couch and placed them under his head for support, she lightly touched his forehead and sighed, the sweat was pouring from him.

"Just wait there okay, I'm gonna take care of this"

Bruce reached out and touched her hand, he wasn't fully there but no danger was sensed. Selina quickly rushed out of the room to try and find some sort of medical supplies, if she remembered correctly, Wayne Manor had over four bathrooms so she was spoiled for choice, vital minutes felt like they were slipping away as she hunted for the supplies. When she has gotten all that she needed she rushed back to Bruce's side. His eyes were open but he was in a complete daze.

"Where the hell am I?" He asked grabbing onto his stomach in pain.

"It's okay, you're home. But you're not good Bruce. You're gonna do yourself some serious damage if you don't take care of these wounds". She began putting placing the antiseptic on an old rag, she took a deep breath as she knew this would hurt him like hell. Bruce groaned and grabbed her arm in an urge for her to stop.


"No, don't be. You're doing what you have to" Bruce put his head back on the cushions to allow Selina to continue.

"Where's Alfred? don't tell me this is what happens when he goes on vacation"

Bruce's eyes began to fill up, the height of what is really going on had finally hit him.

"Alfred.. Selina, he's gone, he left" Selina could feel his heart race, his breathing began to speed up, she has never seen him this close to breaking point. She ran her fingers through his hair, placed her forehead on his.

"It's going to be okay, I promise".

She instantly regretted making such a promise, she didn't know what the outcome of Bruce's situation would be, but she did know that at this very moment that he needed her and she couldn't leave, not now.


Many hours had past, Selina had managed to sober Bruce up enough for her to help him to bed. He was propped forward ever so slightly with his pillows. Through his still fuzzy head, his eyes followed Selina round the room, he ensured himself that she was trustworthy, a true ally. Hopefully the partnership was way more than anticipated.

"So what happens now? You wait until I'm asleep and you run off?" He said grabbing onto his side in pain. Selina smiled, sitting towards the end of his bed.
"I'm offended" she said sarcastically. "Whatever happened to partners?"
"I'm being serious-"
"Well me too, Bruce I wouldn't have left you, not in that state, if I'm being truly honest. I was petrified, after seeing how close you were to dying in the GCPD building to this, I just. I told you I've seen too much death recently, your body was the last one I wanted to see lifeless"

Bruce used whatever strength he had left to pull Selina next to him, she tucked her head to his shoulder as she lightly stroked at his side. He kissed her forehead and held her tight.

"Thank you, Selina"

"I got you, Bats"


Hope you all enjoyed this part, I didn't really know where I was going but I have a rough idea now.. enjoy the sweet moments between these two, its gonna get interesting to say the least.

As much as I want to see a season 3 I'm not entirely convinced that it will happen so I thought I'd do my own version. Let me know if you want me to continue this, who knows maybe Troy & Laura may see this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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