The prophecies begin: Into The Wild

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Swedish title: Första profetian: Ut i det vilda

Word for word translation:


Profetian: Prohecy

Ut: Out 

I: Into/in

Det: The

Vilda: Wild


08/11/2022- I've read to page 116 today between coming home from "work" and going to my volleyball practice. Firepaw has just brought the elders food after brining Yellowfang into camp and eating before feeding the clan. 

I am kind of embarassed to write this but I kind of almost cried while reading it so far and nothing sad has happened except Redtails death. I also feel a insane sense of deja vu from when I first read it, especially the feeling I had of not understanding shit of what was happening. I first thought that Yellowfang wasn't alone cause she talks about herself in third person. I also kind of dislike how they for a lack of a better word sexualise Spottedleaf while describing her as this eligable, beautiful young female for Firepaw to later in the book just reveal that med cats can't have kits, she made me kind of uncomforatble with the unrealistic expectations of her entire character. I understand that it's propably written from Firepaws perspective and how he has a big crush on her but she still makes me kind of uncomfy. 

I also remember that I wrote a book review on this book when we got the assignment to do that about our favorite book and I chose Into The Wild. You where given this kind of paper bag which looked like a compost bag, on the back you where supposed to write a like teaser to what the book was about and on the front you had to draw the cover of the book, I am kind of surprised at how good it turned out considering that it was about four years ago, to be honest it kind of feels like yesterday in someway, time flies man!

 While presenting the book thing you had to bring something which represented the book and I brought one of my cat figurines which looked a lot like Ravenpaw. 

This was it for the first bit, it wasn't a lot of reflecting the content of the book and more of old memories and nostalgia but I hope you enjoyed it anyays. See you, perhaps tomorrow!

09/11/2022- I've read from page 117 to 230 today, here are my thoughts:

I will admit that I cried when Lionheart died and was kind of irritated at Bluestar for chosing Tigerclaw as her new deputy even though she doesn't know that he killed Redtail. She should have known that Oakheart, her mate, would not kill another cat in battle especially not Bluestars deputy and friend but she still took Tigerclaws word about how he killed her deputy. I am kind of surprised at how quickly Ravenpaw drops hints about the facts that Tigerclaw killed Redtail, the first one was when he was telling a story of how Redtail killed Oakheart and not vice versa like Tigerclaw said. And when he said "He(Tigerclaw) wanted to be deputy after he took care of Redtail" which is a major hint at how the battle of suningrocks actually ended. 

The book said Spottedleaf pressed her nose against Firepaws cheek! Whut?! I don't remember ever reading that, it made me really uncomfy, also when she pressed her body against him while mourning Lionhearts death. Why? Spottedleaf? Why? Lionheart just died! Why seek closeness with an apprentice!

I don't remember how harsh the whole clan was to Yellowfang while trusting a ShadowClan cat who just drove another clan out from their own territory who said there was a kit eating cat loose in the forest.  

10/11/2022- I've read from page 230 to the end today, here is what I think:

In my head the ThunderClan cats went back after finding Yellowfang and brought some more warriors than the ones in the rescue patrol like Bluestar and Tigerclaw before raiding ShadowClan. The way Tigerclaw just openly threathens Fireheart about saying something to Bluestar when Graystripe is just a few tail-lengths away is kind of funny to me.

Something I don't understand is how in the prolouge the ThunderClan cats runs away, and in Ravenpaws version ThunderClan wins and RiverClan run after their moms, what? I don't understand how that makes sense. 


An over all good book which made me nostalgic and made me think back to when I read it the first time and didn't understand a mousetail. 

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