''No.'' chapter 3

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Tw: Possessiveness, Obsessed

I didn't get out unpunished.

Even after Techno comforted me. He slapped my face pretty hard.

It left a mark.

Techno grumbled about that.

I learnt that he doesn't like 'Imperfections on his treasure'. What ever that means.

I wasn't allowed on my own after that. Only to change, bathroom stuff and sometimes sleep. He insists on me sleeping in his room. He also insists that he hugs me so we can both sleep.

It's shit.

I'm now sat in the living room knees presses up against my chest blanket around me. Techno's got his arm around me book in hand.

He's reading to me something about gods? Greek mythology?

I yawn. Techno coos, puts a bookmark in the book and puts it on the table next to him.

Be picks and places on his knee.

He puts his hand on my mop of golden locks and runs his fingers through it.

He hums, happy no knots.

He forces my head down in his chest and continues running his fingers through my hair and scratching my scalp.

I yawn again.

"Sleepy, Toms?" Techno asks.

I don't want to sleep I won't know what's happening..

"N'" I say slightly muffled by his arm and chest.

"I think you are." He teases.

"Nuh!" I say hiding my face.

"Okay then Mr. Not sleepy" He says.

"Do you want some tea? Or hot chocolate?" He asks.

"Mmm 'ot choco'ate." I reply.

"Okay c'mon." He says taking my hand and leading me.

I tightly hold the blanket which is calling off my shoulders.

3rd persons pov

Tommy is lead to sit down at the dining table. He let's go of Tommy's hand.

He heads over to the kettle and start to boil it. He gets out a cup and puts hot chocolate powder in it.

When the kettle finishes boiling he ours it in and goes to get milk and a pill bottle.

He opens the pill bottle and puts 1 sleeping pill in and mixes it well.

Techno opens a cabinet and gets out a sleeping potion and pours and mixes it.

He pours the milk.

He takes it to Tommy who's oblivious to what happens.

He quickly drinks it. Well as quickly as a sleepy child can.

Techno takes the cup when he's almost falling over.

"No' 'Ired.." He says, before falling asleep.

Techno catches him with one hand and puts she cup down.

He picks him up bridle style,

Walks to the living room and carefully places him on the chair they were sat in beforehand.

Techno sits next to him and Tommy leans into Techno's shoulder.

Techno re positions him so his heads placed in his knee.

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