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"Well, last time I checked, no one was ballsy enough to barge into this forest." A soft but sharp voice said.

"How the heck would I know?! Dani, you knew I was out at the shop it's not like I saw anyone else on my way in. I came from the North side not the West." This voice sounded gruff but pleasing to the ear.

"I wasn't blaming you Ani, I'm just concerned. I also put up a reflection field, nobody was supposed to be able to get in anyway. Apparently this unconscious girl broke the reflection barrier."

"Can't you just make another one-"

"No, I can't. It took us months to get the ingredients for this one, I'm not God who can will anything with the snap of my fingers." The woman sighed quietly.

"Despite how easy it may seem, magic isn't what it was fifty years ago. I'm sure you've realized it too Ani. We've dwindled. For all we know I could be the last one left-"

I groaned as I finally got the strength to open my eyes to see two identical women staring at me.

My eyes darted around the room quickly looking for an escape, how long had it been since I passed out?

I studied them, they seemed to be complete polar opposites but still holding the same peach auburn colored hair and tanned skin.

One was wearing a witch hat which didn't seem odd enough since I did walk into the Witch's Forest but, what struck me was her revealing trumpet style dress with an off-the-shoulder plunging neckline not to mention the slit coming down the side of the dress. Her straight hair pulled into a motherly side plait, with matching lace gloves covered up until her elbows. The woman's lips were plump and luscious, her body was slim and tall.

She held an air of elegance in contrast to who I assumed to be her sister.

The latter was wearing what seemed to be overalls and a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, if i didn't know any better I would've said she was an axe man but she's clearly a blacksmith. Her hands were covered by leather gloves, I imagined them to be coarse like her voice. Her curly hair was tied into a high ponytail, remnants of soot painted her face. I'm sure she didn't mind though, I could only hope to find out her exercise routine.

The blacksmith's striking blue-yellow eyes bore into my light magenta ones.

"So are ya' gonna tell us who you are and where you came from?" The soot covered woman chided, leaning in closer.

I coughed, "Back the hell up first-"

She didn't seem to take too kindly at my response, poking her finger at my stomach making me curl in pain.

"Gee' sweet cheeks, never thought you would've had such an attitude. You looked so peaceful while you were sleeping." One of the straps of her overalls seemed to slip down her shoulder as she giggled.

I grimaced at the nickname and the thought of her watching me sleep. I really needed to get back to Oswyn, who knows how long it has been?

"Stop chastising her Ani, she'll never tell us if you tease her." The other one crossed her arms, frowning.

"Tell us your name yeah, pretty girl?" She asked politely, her hand going to cup her own cheek.

"Why would I tell my name to two absolute strangers, who knows what you guys will do to me-" For some reason they got me flustered, something that doesn't happen to me on the daily.

The fancily dressed woman put a hand on her hip, "I see you don't understand the position you're in."

"What position?" I questioned, sitting up suddenly which made me hold my breath as I felt a spike of discomfort go down my spine. I looked down to see bandages wrapped around my stomach, where I was stabbed.

My eyes soften as I look up at her. "Look, my bad. I didn't know you helped me but I really need to get home and I don't want to stay here any longer."

"With reasoning like that you might as well die, I don't think you've heard of the night terrors have you? I was quite surprised to see you made it through evening time without seeing one of them."

"What's a night terror?" I asked, I had no reason not to believe her. After all, being someone that resides in the forest she should know something but I couldn't be too trusting of them.

"A night terror is a soul of the recently dead that manifests into a monster, it could be an animal or a human but they had to have passed away in the forest or near it. They evolve like this due to the negative current surrounding the area." She went on to give me a visual representation with her magic, dust particles forming pictures as she explained.

"Like in their name, they only appear at night or when the sun is almost down. Upon being caught in the sunlight they diminish, and their souls are freed. They usually aren't hard to beat but if you have no experience with them then you'd probably die."

I scowled, "Is it really that hard to leave the forest? I can't just wait till the morning or even another hour."

"Why, do you have someone waiting for you? If so, we can just bring 'em here." Ani said.

"That is true but," The other woman tapped a finger to her lips and gestured at me, "I'm sure you don't trust us enough yet. In any case, I suggest staying the night then leaving in the morning."

"I can't, I have to leave now. This isn't a yes or no question, I absolutely have to leave right this moment." I insisted, glancing at the moonlight peering through the window. From here you could see the lights in town, you're almost able to hear the buzzing conversations and the night market.

I bit my lip, "Please, I swear I'll return a favor in full some day." Saying this could definitely be the end of me but I needed to check on him, he might be hurt or scared or worried or-

"Deal. Pretty sure you already heard it but, the name's Ani and I'll be your guide out of the forest this fine night." She gave a quirky smile, holding up a peace sign next to her eye.

"Since we apparently, have time for introductions . . I'm Dani." Dani held up a matching peace sign on the opposite side, unenthused.

How interesting. .

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