Deku x Denki love story

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
16+ mostly with a litte bit of 18+
• Everyone have their quirks they have in the show/anime.
· With it being easier to say Deku than Izuku Midoriya he mostly goes by Deku in this story. Izuku, Tenko and Toyota are names only their family calls them.
· Tenko/Shigaraki is Deku's older brother, Toyota/Dabi is Shoto older brother. They are all cousins.
· All Might is like a friend to Deku.
· Aizawa, Mic have are ready adopt it Shinso and Eri too.
· These ships will be in this story. Denki x Deku, Bakugou x Kirishima, Momo x Jirou and it's short but Deku x Uraraka but more of Uraraka x Asui. Dani x Hawks, Toga x Twice and Ida x Sero.

Characters from MHA
Deku- sing/dabbles and One for All
Denki- Electrification
Shinso-Brainwashing/brain fucker
Eri- Rewind
Bakugou- Explosion
Kirishima- rock hard.
Todoroki/icyhot- fire and ice
Dabi- blue fire/Cremation
Hawks- Fierce
Shigaraki- Decay
Mr. Aizawa- Erasure
President Mic- Voice
All Might- One For All

Back story
The first time All might and Deku met Deku was sitting on a bench reading a book when All Might walk up. Deku smiled to be nice. Its shortly after his father and old brother lefted so Deku isn't a sweet boy much anymore. But only the people around him knows this. All Might sat and they got talking. A month of talking to All Might Deku filling asked All Might is there a way he could be a hero with having a the quirk he has. All Might said not with your quirk but I can train you and pass my quirk to you. That was five years ago when Deku was nine. Deku's mom died when he was ten from cancer. He has been living alone for four years now. Only Bakugou, Shigaraki, Shoto and Dabi knows about this. Deku's mom had savings and Shigaraki, Dabi helps to get food for Deku and pays the bills with the savings. Also they own the house too, so no payments on it. Only Kacchen/Bakugou knows Deku, Shoto, Shigaraki and Dabi are family. Deku has panics attacks to any loud noses do to his hearing and when his dad was around the fighting with the mom. Only Bakugou, Shigaraki and Dabi knows this. For now at let. Denki, Shoto, Bakugou and Shinso have know each other/friends since childhood. Denki came in Deku's life around the time Bakugou did. So since three to four years old they met. In UA he has the Dekusquad and other friends but some of them don't know about Deku's past. They are in UA and they have the dorms now so Deku goes to his house only on weekends because Deku feels like he can't be his true self at UA. Bakugou, Denki, Shinso and Shoto knows this so they hangout at Deku's house with him on weekends.

Character 1
At Deku's house, the five of them are talking, watching tv/movies and Deku did some cleaning. Shinso said by the way Deku where's your mom I haven't met her in the five years we been friends, I would like too. You have met my family. Denki said you are right, I haven't seen her in a few years. Deku said she fucking works a lot she's not home. Not knowing a tear ran down his face. Bakugou and Shoto put a arm around Deku. Shinso and Denki said what's wrong Deku? Bakugou said maybe its times to tell them Deku. Deku started to cry more and said fuck okay fine. Deku said my mom died four years ago from cancer and I been living here alone since. Shoto, Bakugou knows and been helping me through it. Then Shigaraki and Dabi walked in the house talking to each other. Deku hears them before anyone else do to his hearing. Deku not thinking said Tenko, Toyota shut the fuck up you two. Fuck, well that's out too. Shigaraki and Dabi walked into the livingroom where everyone was. Denki and Shinso said there villains here and jump to there feet. Deku said sit the fuck down you two and Tenko why the fuck are you two here? Shinso and Denki just look at Deku in shock. Shigaraki said Izuku when do you bring your other two friends to the house? Deku said they have the fuck right to be here it's my fuck house after mom died and you fucking stayed with dad. I know we're 7 year apart in age so you were 17 to 18 when she died you could of came back and you could been by my side as brothers. Shigaraki said oh shut the fuck up, I been here too. Deku stored up and said yes you two been helping with food and paying the bills with mom's savings these last four fucking years but you two haven't been fucking here for me, you're Shoto and mine family. Night after fucking night when I'm here fucking alone I cry myself to fucking sleep wanting my fucking big brother Tenko with me or even my fucking other cousin Toyota. Only my best friend Kacchen and our cousin Shoto has been here for me. Where the fuck has my big brother been? You are a shity, fucking and a baster older brother Tenko. Shigaraki started to yelling. Izuku I'm a fucking villain I cant be here all the fucking time. Deku started having a panic attacks because of Shigaraki. Deku fell backwards onto Bakugou's lap breathing heavy with one hand on his chest and the other over his eyes putting his head down still crying. Bakugou hugged Deku and said sh, sh I'm here. Shigaraki said shit I yelled now he's having a fucking panic attack. Bakugou said Deku can you hear me. Deku said y-y-y-y-yes. Bakugou said that's good, tell me five things you can hear. Deku said y-y-y-your voice, t-t-the AC, m-my heart, b-b-birds outside and cars. Bakugou said good tell me four things you can smell. Deku said t-t-t-the c-cleaners we used, o-our sweat, l-lunch cooking and m-mom's perform she u-use to wear. His breathing is slowing down. Bakugou said your mom still here with you, now three things you can feel. Deku said y-you holding me, y-your wromth and my tears. Bakugou said good now two things you can touch. Deku put his hands on his legs now and said my legs and your hands. His breath is omust normal now. Bakugou said good and one thing you can see. Deku raised his head now and said all my friends that care about me. Shoto, Shinso and Denki hugged Deku now. Deku said thanks Kacchen. Shigaraki said I'm sorry Izuku, are you okay? Everyone but Bakugou let go of Deku and sat back down. Deku said I am now thanks to Kacchen. Shigaraki said I just got mad I am sorry Izuku. Deku said yes you fucking yelled but it's not your fault that I have panic attacks, that's fucking dad's felt and my fucking hearing. Shigaraki said can I get a hug. Deku said Tenko you don't have your gloves on and I don't want to die today, yes I miss mom but not that fucking much. Bakugou took his arms off of Deku now. Shigaraki said I have them hold on and you're funny. Deku smiled. Shigaraki got them out of his pocket and put them on. Deku got up and gave him a hug then. Deku said I gave you those fucking gloves when we were young so we could be like normal brothers. Shigaraki said I just forgot to put them on sometimes. Also we're not normal brothers. Deku said yeah your right I'm trying to be a hero and I have a brother who's a villain. Shoto and I dont have normal family. Dabi patted Deku back. Deku said how's yours Toyota? Dabi said there are the same, thanks. Deku said I'm always a phone call away if we can't talk in person. Dabi said thanks. Deku walked back to the coach and said why are you two here? Shigaraki said I forgot you come home on weekends so I, Dabi came to be away from the love birds Toga, Twice, dad and the other villains, also to do what you did, the cleaning plus to check to see if we need to get more food for you. Deku said well I'm only here on weekends with these friends and Shoto, so food wise I'm fine. Also I have done the cleaning since before mom passed so I always clean on weekends when I'm here, but thanks. Shinso said by the way Deku I'm sorry about your mom, I would think she was a nice person. Deku said she was the nicest. That's where Tenko and I get our nice side from. Aunty was nice too that's where Touya and Shoto get their nice sides. When aunty hute Shoto she got sent away around the same time Toyota ran away and became a villain. Dabi said I facked my death too. Only you all know I'm alive. Then the timer on the oven went off. Deku got up and went to the kitchen. Shigaraki walked in and said Izuku can we talk by ourselves? Deku said I'm getting lunch out and putting it on planes so talk. Shigaraki sat down at the table and said Izuku mom's savings is omust out so I think you know what that means. Deku dipped one of the plants getting it out of the catmint and it shattered on the floor. Deku said how fucking long? Shigaraki said maybe a month lefted. Everyone came in the kitchen when they heard the plant shatter. Deku had his back to Shigaraki so he didn't know anyone else came in, he was getting the broom out. Deku said so I only have a funcking month. We grow up in this fuck house. Deku turned then said and I have to find somewhere else to live in a fucking month, why the fuck are you just now telling me? Then Deku seen everyone. Shigaraki said I just found out so I was going to text you to say we need to meet up to talk but you were here today so I told you and you told your friends. Bakugou said I can talk to my parents to see if you can stay with us. Deku said Kacchen you mean well but think how that be with how your mom and you yell at each other. Bakugou said okay you're right. Shinso said I can talk to dads and see if you can come stay with us. Deku said thanks Shinso. Dabi said I hope you can because I don't even want Shoto with Endeavor let long having you there. Deku said sorry but I might fucking kill Endeavor if I was there. It would only take one time he does his shit to Shoto or me and I would kill the motherfucker. I'm getting better at both my quirks, so yeah. Shigaraki said I hope you can go with Shinso because I don't think you want to live at the base with us, other LOV and..... Deku said fuck no I rather be on the fucking street then be with dad other wise I would be fine being there. I like you two, Toga, Twice and the other LOV members. I just can't with dad. Denki said who's your dad? Deku said I rather not say I hate the motherfucker, he's worse then Endeavor and he's mom's brother. So Shigaraki said AFO is our dad. Deku just turned around and finished dishing up lunch. Deku brought two plants over first and said are you two stay for lunch, we have enough if you two are. Shigaraki said is it okay with your friends? Deku said well Bakugou, Shoto knows you two and plus your both family. Denki and Shinso said they wouldn't do anything to hurt us then we're fine with them. Deku said okay so I will get two more plants for you two. They know not to do anything or else. He has heads on Shigaraki and Dabi's shoulders well say that. They ate then Aizawa called like 30 minutes later on Shinso's phone. Shinso picked up and said hi dad, I have you on speakerphone and the phone is on the table so everyone can heard you. Aizawa said okay your father and I are together now so what's up? Shinso said thanks dad, well Deku need to talk to you as a parent not a teacher so I asked if we could talk. Aizawa said as a parent okay what for? Deku told Aizawa everything about his mom died from cancer and living along for the last four years. Also about his mom's savings omust out and only have a month to find a place to life. But didn't say Shigaraki and Dabi are family. Bakugou said he also has panics attacks from loud noses do to his hearing so he can't stay with my family we yell too much. Mic said Shinso your dad and I will talk it over but Deku will be your brother maybe. Shinso and Deku said thanks. Aizawa said will you be home for dinner Shinso, we can tell you and Deku then bring him to dinner. Shinso said we be there. Also Denki sleeping over tonight. He are ready told his parents he be at Deku's and with this I going to have he come too with spending the night. They said okay see you three tonight. Then they hung up.

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