4 || wake up, little shawn.

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" of course i do, i think love is the most amazing rare and precious thing in the whole world."

" have you ever fallen in love before? "

" at least 5 times a day. "

" you're such a dork. "

kehlani and shawn had been paired together for a project in their class with mr. turner, she'd been trying to avoid shawn not directly because he is still her bestfriend but enough so that her little crush would die down.


it was after school, the duo were situated on the floor of their english classroom still editing their project they were having alot of fun together and didn't even realize the time.

" i think the project's finished. " kehlani said.

" finally that took us hours. " shawn replied.

" no it took me hours, you were just sitting there looking pretty like you always do. " she snapped back smiling showing off her braces.

" so you think im pretty? " shawn's usually pale skin sported a pinkish tint and a boyish smile. shawn had been called alot of compliments. handsome, sexy, hot, cute, perfect you name it, but only one person in his life has ever called him pretty and that's kehlani. somehow every single time he still gets red in the face when she says it.

" yeah so does majority of the female population. " she mumbled bitterly. kehlani really wouldn't consider herself a jealous person but the thought of another girl getting with her shawn what was she supposed to think?

" they think im cute. not pretty lani. don't be jealous. " shawn smiled at the girl.

" same difference. plus i'm not jealous just stating facts. " she retorted quickly.

she always thought he looked so feminine and she loved it. long dark lashes that curled slightly upwards, pink pouty lips that just looked so.. soft. a pretty smile that would make anyone swoon and to top it all off dark long beautiful hair. shit. she was sitting there wondering why is he prettier than me??

shawn had went to lie down so kehlani followed using her backpack to rest her head on her desk and hoping no one notices that she would be wearing the exact same outfit twice.


it was morning and kehlani made her way to the girls bathroom washing off her face and fixing her hair so it at least looks like she went home last night.

shawn was on the outside waiting with the tape in his hand before handing it to lani, as they walked down the stairs kehlani felt a little more paranoid than usual, not only were there more stares but they all felt judging, like she had done something wrong which she hadn't.

out of nowhere a guy probably a year or two older than me and shawn came up to him and gave him a high five, followed by a group of guys including cory chanting about he's the man. even shawn himself seemed confused giving a guilty glance over to kehlani then saying ' he is the man. '

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