Chapter One

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"Dude! I sunk your last one! Drink!" Nikki yelled at Chris.

"M'last one," Chris slurred taking his last shot, "I told you I'm nut a pussy!"

"Vamp, you're the only one here drunk off their ass. You're not a pussy; you just suck at Battle Shots!" I laughed giving all my shots back to Nikki.

At the moment, Chris Cerulli, Nikki Misery, Ricky Olson, and I, Ash Costello, are currently playing Battle Shots at Nikki's house at one o'clock in the morning.

So, of course being the drinker that he is, Chris downed his last shot faster than you can say shot.

He put it on the table with a slam. Then he rose his head drunkenly and grinned like he was a superior and we were his evil henchmen. And then he threw up. It went everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere! I was covered in Chris vomit from head to toe.

My white 'Trust Me I'm an Angel' shirt is now stained an orange colour.

"Well, that was both awesome and disgusting at the same time..." Ricky said.

"Can I borrow your shower?" Chris asked wiping the vomit from his face.

"And can I borrow a shirt?"

"Uh, sure? And yeah, I'll get you one. Follow me."

"Thanks." Chris said walking towards the bathroom.

I followed Nikki upstairs to his room. When we got there his room was totally rearranged from what it was before. And when I say before, I mean as in two weeks ago. His dresser was directly under the window and his bed was next to his door. His desk was next to his dresser holding his computer on top and his TV was on top of his dresser. The floor was a mess like usual, but I could actually see into his closet. The walls were now black and red and the carpet was still the thick black plush.

I've always liked his room. Out of all the rooms in house I like his the best. Well, besides the kitchen. Why? Because in the kitchen is where the food is kept, duh!

"Can I borrow any shirt?"

"Any one."

"Any one?"

"Just pick a shirt Ash." He said throwing a pillow at my back.

"Okay, okay!" I said grabbing his favourite shirt. It was a black button up shirt with a stitched heart on the left side. It was also my favourite one of his.

I took off my orange stained shirt and threw it in the laundry. It would get washed eventually. The thought that I was in a bra never occurred... Then, I slipped his shirt on and buttoned up the middle three buttons and rolled up the sleeves.

"I had a feeling you would pick that one. You're always staring at me when I wear it."

"Sorry, I like the shirt."

"So he's noticed."

I turned around and I'm pretty sure that my jaw hit the floor and bounced back up to my head. Chris smirked at me for a second and then I heard an annoying snapping sound. Needless to say, Nikki was trying to snap me back to reality.

"Ash... Ash... ASH! Back to reality girl."

"Huh? What? Sorry... I zoned again didn't I?" I asked turning to Nik.

"Zoned? More like made the Nile River look like a puddle due to all that drool that just poured out of your mouth."

I brought my hand to my mouth and wiped off the small amount of drool that was in the corner of my mouth.

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