Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sun gleaming in my eyes. I felt pressure on my side and when I looked down Chris's arm was around my waist and I was extremely cuddled into his chest. It was a tad weird...

I rolled over and I saw Chris staring right at me.


"I'm hungry..."

"Ha, let's go get some food then."

We got up and went down into the kitchen to find Ricky with his head in the fridge. I grabbed an apple off the counter and threw it at his ass.

"What the fuck?!"

"Ha! That's what you get for not hearing us come down the stairs."

"Sorry then... I'm hungry."

"Ha me too, now let me in too! I want food!"

Ricky moved over and next thing I know we were both sticking our heads in Chris's fridge. Nothing appealed to me.

"Do you have any waffles?" I asked turning to Chris.

"Yeah, in the freezer.

"What about caramel sauce you put on ice cream?"

"Fridge?" he had a confused look on his face.

"Awesomeness! I said going into the freezer to get waffles. His freezer was packed with Toni's Pizzas! And I was lucky to actually find the waffles after what felt like forever looking in there! They were in the back of the freezer behind all the pizzas under some frozen peas and an old tuna casserole... At least I think it was tuna casserole... I hope it's tuna casserole.

I popped them in the toaster and poured myself a glass of orange juice. When they popped out of the toaster I grabbed the syrup from the fridge. I looked at Chris, smirked, and then started to pour the syrup onto the waffles. Now it might sound disgusting but trust me that shit's good!

'What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight' my phone rang


"Hey where did you guys go?" Nikki asked

"Uh, we went to Chris's house, why?"

"Tell him I'm coming over. Be there in... fifteen minutes." Nik said and then hung up

"Uh... Nikki'll be here in fifteen minutes." I said still holding my phone not that far from my face.

"Okay then..."

"Can we make pancakes?" Ricky asked pulling his head out of the fridge... Finally.

"Uh, sure? What kind? Blueberry, regular, or chocolate chip?" Chris asked.

"Blueberry!" Ricky yelled.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a root beer and sat on the counter. I know, I know, a root beer in the morning for breakfast. I'm weird, sue me.

I set my root beer down and picked up a magazine that was next to me. It was Revolver and guess who was on the cover?! Gene Simmons! XD I flipped open the cover and found the page that had the KISS article on it. It was like Gene Simmons overload!

Chris walked over, looked at the page I was on, laughed, and took a drink of my root beer.

"HEY! THAT WAS MY ROOTBEER!" I yelled smacking his arm as he set it back down.

"Yeah I know. And it was good" he said sticking his tongue out at me and winking.

"Meh heh heh." I mocked sticking my tongue back out at him. He winked at me and went back to making pancakes with Ricky who was covered in flour! His whole face was covered in white so he looked like a porcelain doll.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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