Chapter 2 (Unwritten Rules)

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So far the Smith family seem like nice people, a bit dysfunctional, but nice nonetheless. So far you've learned that Beth is pretty much the head of the family. Jerry just kind of exists in the household. His kids don't seem to fully respect him and neither does Rick. Beth and Jerry's relationship seems to be on the rocks since they fight almost everyday over the most mundane things. You've learned to start bringing headphones to work if you want to clean in peace. Summer comes and goes. She doesn't really interact with you much yet but what can you expect from a teenager who only cares about boys and popularity? Morty has been the one person who will actually give you the time of the day. He will start conversations like inviting you to join in activities like watching inter dimensional cable or just discussing the latest thing his crush Jessica did at school. It's really adorable hearing a pre-teen boy gush about his high school crush. It makes you remember those days.                                                                                                           Now the one family member you can't seem to have a full conversation with is Rick. That man has more walls up than attack on titan. You understand that not everyone is going to be the most open and receptive to new people but my god he acts like you've betrayed him in the past or something. Anytime you've run into him you just get grunts or 'hmm' in return for any questions you may ask and that's on a good day. Sometimes he'll just straight up ignore you and walk away when you request for help in finding some kind of cleaning item. You've had to learn quickly to not let it get under your skin or it'll hurt your feelings. It's just how Rick is. You've managed to stay out of his way  and especially out of his stuff for the past few weeks since you've started working for them. However, today that luck ran out. Turns out Rick has been in and out of the garage a lot lately working on some sort of experiment. The problem is that the experiment is starting to stink and that smell is starting to leak into the rest of the house. Beth has been really patient when it comes to her father and the countless things he does in the house. However she can't stand it when the first thing she hears after a long day of work is Morty, Summer and Jerry complaining about how the smell is getting stronger everyday.                 So that's where you step in. You're about to face what you believe is the Goliath of a mess with a bottle of bleach and a sponge. You truly did not want to go into this man's garage. He treats it like his sanctuary where he's the king but it's either to deal with a disgruntled Rick or upset the only people who offered to give you a job. Obviously you aren't going to do the latter. First class ticket to Raging Rick Town here you come. You sigh as you slowly open the door to the garage. You squint expecting to be yelled at only to be met with eerie silence. You open them to see there's no one in there. You let out a deep sigh. 'Better to get to work'. You think to yourself as you walk around trying to find the source of the smell. It's hard to tell since there's just so much crap everywhere. There's various items on the workbench, on the floor, on the shelves, and falling out of cabinets. You shake your head 'A king should definitely take better care of his sanctuary' You mumble to yourself still searching. You come across what looks like a decomposing specimen in a bottom cabinet. With a quick sniff you confirm it's what the smell is. It nearly makes you want to puke bringing it that close to your face. 'Jesus Christ what is it?' You question yourself. 'Matter of fact I don't want to know.' You quickly toss it into the nearest bin.
'Well while I got the place to myself I should clean up a little bit' You think looking around at the total disaster that is this garage. You try to organize the best you can with little knowledge of what anything is. The best you can do is straighten up items in the same area. You decided to throw away anything that gave off a foul smell as well. You're not sure if you'll regret that later or not. Regardless, the smell is creeping into the rest of the house and it's unfair to the rest of the family if Rick doesn't want to clean up his 'experiments' or whatever he's doing in here. You manage to make good progress until you hear a noise you never want to hear. The sound of a portal. 'Fuck..' Is the only thought that your brain can come up with before Rick steps through well stumbles through. He seems to be a bit drunk. 'Great we'll mix alcohol with a temper tantrum' You think as you make eye contact with the tall man.
"What the *burp* fuck are you doing in here!?" Rick questions stumbling towards you with a pretty angry look on his face. "D-does this look like some kind of playground for lowly w-workers?" You shake your head. "N-no there's a smell in the house and B-Beth-" You start but get cut off "I don't give a flying fuck what Beth says! T-this is my domain. I don't want some cheap maid touching my s-shit." He grumbles looking around at the "damage". "God you moved nearly *burp* everything!" He exclaims slamming his hands on the workbench knocking stuff onto the floor. You flinch as beakers and books fall loudly onto the ground. "I-i can tell you where I put everyth-" "OUT!" You flinch again at how loud he can be. You hesitate then turn to the garage door. Before you leave you turn to look at Rick picking stuff up mumbling to himself. He turns to see you're still there and glares in your direction. You whimper and quickly close the door. You shakily walk towards the dining room. You see Morty at the table eating some cereal. He sees your distressed face and his face turns to worry
"Y/N d-did something happen?" You nod slowly as a tear falls out "Come sit. What happened?" He says patting the chair next to him. "Your grandpa Rick can be a major dick.." You start out just looking down at your hands. Morty sighs, putting down his spoon. "Y-yeah he can be. Let me guess you t-tried to rid the house of the smell and it ended up being in his garage?" You nod yet again "Figures." "I'll talk to him at some point. He can treat us like that because we are family but you d-don't deserve that." You look up quickly. "No no you don't have to do that! I don't want to cause problems." Morty chuckles softly and replies "Rick causes enough problems. What's one more?" He shrugs going back to his cereal. You smile, feeling a bit better. You then hear a pair of  footsteps coming down the stairs. You look up to see Beth and Jerry dressed in old timey clothes. "W-what is the occasion guys?" Morty asks. "We are going to a titanic interactive experience!" Jerry exclaims happily "Jerry has been looking forward to this for awhile." Beth adds. "While we are out we expect the house to stay orderly. I'm sure you can help with that Y/N." Beth smiles are you. You smile back
Rick comes into the living room seeming to be a bit more sober. You quickly look away to not make eye contact with him. "What's going on?" He asks. "We're heading out so I'm trusting you Rick to keep everything orderly." Jerry says. "What do I hear about you guys leaving?!" Summer yells running down the stairs. "Yes I'm trusting you guys to have the place to yourselves. Not one thing out of place." Jerry says in a threatening tone as they begin to walk out the door. "Or Morty can't have adventures with Rick anymore." Beth says. "W-what?!" Morty yells. "Not. One. Thing." Jerry says again as they get into the car and being to pull away from the driveway. Before they even leave your view Summer has a giant smile on her face. "Well I'm having a party!" She says happily. "No you're not Summer." Rick interjects. "Because I'm having a party!" He says happily. It's the first time you've seen a smile on his face. "G-guys you heard what mom said! If anything gets destroyed I can no longer go on adventures with Rick!' Morty whines. "That sounds like a you problem." Summer says pulling out her phone beginning to text people. "Rick!" Morty whines again. "Relax buddy. I-it'll be fine. You got to relax s-sometimes." Rick replies, patting Morty on his back and walking inside. Morty turns to you with such a pitiful look on his face. You can't help but feel sorry for him. "I can help clean." You say trying to make him feel a bit better. He sighs and follows his sister and grandpa into the house. "Here we go" you say to yourself following them inside. To Be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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