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the eighteen-year-old was quite flushed, it was like a switch flipped when snape wasn't being an asshole and suddenly that voice was smooth as butter.
"oh yeah im...im down"

he stuttered eyes slightly hazy the older man smirked knowing what he was doing to the teen.
"then i agree, shall we have a lavish ceremony or were you hoping to hide your little plan from the headmaster"

Snape drawled making harry blink a few times.

Severus chuckled lowly.

"it's rude to eavesdrop harry, however, given your sexual inclination its probably a good thing you decided to go around the old man, ginny really? poor harry you don't have a mother complex do you?"

Harry shook his head violently.
the older man looked quite pleased.

"run along harry your dog father looks concerned, we shall meet tomorrow with only our witnesses and a minister i trust, the headmaster has a way of sniffing out things if we leave them too long"

harry ended up back at Remus's house with Sirius.
"holy shit when did he get so seductive?"

Sirius started wheezing looking pale while Remus chuckled.
"he has always been like that, he just doesn't use it unless he wants something or in your case probably to mess with you"
harry groaned.

"that's going to be the death of me, i need to go tell Hermione it was mostly her that worked her butt off"

the two older men waved him off and harry suspected Sirius was only just keeping his composure, he guessed when he left Remus would reassure that they were doing the right thing.
harry nearly threw up at the idea of kissing a woman let alone one that looked alot like his mother, another yikes was he saw molly weasily and knew ginny would be just like her, she already did some of the things that he hated that molly did, no he would be avoiding that fate, he liked Arther but the man was so downtrodden and under Mollys boot, he wouldn't say anything against her.

(short one but i wanted to get something out for you guys i was happy to see your comments!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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