Exercise Caution

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"Rin, do you have everything packed?"

Two days into my Christmas vacation, II was still finishing homework. It was the last paper I needed to write before I could officially start my break. Luckily, despite all the work Lady Hargrave had made me do in preparation for her charity ball, I'd managed to finish everything else before the due date. Sure, this paper had gotten an extension, but I hadn't been the only one to ask for one.

I glanced up from my desk as Dad stood in the doorway. He wore the new sweater mom had made him and had a matching beanie as well. I had a matching sweater too, but mom had made me a pair of pajama pants to match my sweater.

"Tell me again why we must spend three weeks at the palace?" I asked.

Dad crossed his arms. "You agreed to marry Prince Alexander," he told me. "Your Mom and I are ambassadors, and the royal family is hosting a ball. Oh, and the most important one, your mom wants to."

I snapped my fingers. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"You don't want to go?"

I shrugged. "I thought we could spend the holidays as a family."

Dad walked in and sat on my bed. "Isn't that what we're doing? We'll be part of the royal family. Despite the titles, that would make us family."

"Yeah, you're right. I guess it's all been surreal up until now, and now that it's happening, it feels . . . Scary?"

Dad walked up to me and kissed me on the head. "We'll cancel the whole thing if that's what you want."

Smiling, I leaned into him. "No, it isn't what I want. But with everything going on, it's hard to imagine what will happen."

"Yeah, I know. Everyone has been too quiet, like they've all forgotten what happened not so long ago."

"King Lionel is a strong vampire," I said. "I wouldn't be too farfetched to think he can influence so many people at once." I shrugged. "Plus, it's the holidays. I think people also want to forget all the troubles for a few days and believe the world isn't so shitty."

"Rin," Dad scolded.


"Start packing. The chauffeur will pick up the luggage first thing in the morning."


He ruffled my hair before walking out. I didn't have much to pack. My gowns were waiting for me at the palace. There were two main events Alexander and I were attending. The first was Lady Hargrave's charity event, and the second was the royal family's holiday ball. Other than attending those events, I was 'ordered' to rest.

Alexander and I had talked a bit since our conversation a week ago. Lady Hargrave had stopped spreading rumors. This made the tabloid run wild. 'The Queen Consort is being silenced!' and similar titles were rampant online. Carlos sent me 'reports' on everything he found online. While I read them, I also sent them to Noah. Maybe he would find something that I didn't know about. It was a long shot, but it felt like I needed to prove that I was on their side.

The next morning, Joseph showed up at our door. We piled our luggage into the trunk and climbed inside. I looked down at my phone. 5 am.

I pulled the blanket tighter around myself and closed my eyes. The drive wouldn't be too long, but I still needed sleep. Half an hour later, we stopped outside a side palace.

It was different from the one we stayed in for the Crowning ceremony. The building was a lot comfier, with bay windows and small balconies. We even had our own butler, Ms. Bouis. Two servants lead my parents to their room, and Ms. Bouis personally escorted me to my room.

"It is an honor to serve you," she said. "I'll give you a tour of the grounds after breakfast. In the meantime, let's freshen you up."

I didn't miss the look she gave me. Then again, sweatpants, disheveled hair, and a blanket weren't a good look anywhere.

"Sure thing," I said.

Ms. Bouis meant now. As soon as we got to the room, I had servants helping me undo my messy braid and pulling my sweater off of me.

"I can do it," I protested.

"They do it faster," Ms. Bouis replied.

As I showered, I had a suspicion they were picking out clothes for me. My jeans were probably not going to see the light of day this winter break. It would be slacks and fancy jogger pants and blouses.

Lamenting my loss of comfortable clothes, I walked into the room wearing a robe. There were no servants waiting for me. Instead, I found a skirt with leggings and a long sleeve blouse. I couldn't see my suitcase. Even the drawers and the closet were empty. Sighing, I dressed quickly.

Almost immediately after, someone came in to fix my hair. I might have fallen asleep during the process because the next thing I knew, I was being led to the dining room. Breakfast was a mouthwatering buffet of pancakes, waffles, fruit, and sweet bread. Ms. Bouis told me my parents were having breakfast in their room.

After breakfast, I took the grand tour. I was given a long cozy cot, ear muffs, and mittens. I definitely wasn't going to catch a cold.

There were two libraries - one for research, the second one for leisure - a pool area, a garden with a small maze, and those were just a few of things we saw. By the time we finished at the gardens, it was time for lunch.

"We can continue after a break," Ms. Bouis said. "I've been informed your parents are taking their lunch at the inside pool. Will you join them?"

"No," I said. "I want them to have some couple time without me hanging around."

"That's a lovely sentiment."

"Ms. Bouis," I began. "What kind of visitors can we expect here?"

"Where you thinking of brining guests? Friends perhaps? His Highness did mentioned some of your acquaintances."

"No. More like royal guests."

"You mean the Queen Consort."

I looked away. Was I that easy to read or did Noah tell her about my suspicions?

"His Highness wanted you have a peaceful stay here," she replied. "There will be no unannounced guests. As it stands right now, you don't have anyone on your schedule."

"I have a schedule?" I asked.

She smiled. "When you're here, yes. Besides, your schedule is always full. No one can seem to get a slot to see you."

I smiled at her. "Seems like I have nothing to worry about."

"If I may," she began.


"I would exercise caution when dealing with . . . The madam. You may not need me to say this but I'll feel better if I do."

"I'm not trying to cause trouble," I said. "I know it doesn't look like that, but I really want to find the people responsible for attacking His Highness. I can't let it go."

"That's very admirable."

"But I should leave it to the professionals?" I finished for her.

She tilted her head. "Not sure about that, but you're as careful as a bull in a poetry shop."

"And now no body trusts me."

"Perhaps, but I can say this: you've given everyone something to think about whether they like it or not. We must not become blinded by relationships so much so that we're unable to see the truth. Keep pursuing the truth, Miss Borek, but do keep in mind the madam has done this far longer than you have."

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