For the Future

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King Rothchester was at his desk when Alexander entered. This office was relatively small, for personal use rather than having meetings. There was a sitting area almost immediately to the right with a coffee table and short bookcases along the walls.

"You wanted to talk?" Alexander asked.

The door closed with a soft click. 

The King gestured to the sitting area and so Alexander sat. As he did, he thought of all the millions of things he could be doing. Plus, he'd seen his father almost four times a week and their conversations were always the same.

Just as he was about to say so, the King stood and joined Alexander at the sitting area. He waved and another attendant quickly appeared with sweets and 'tea'. The King grabbed a cup and took a sip.

"Delicious as always," he muttered.

"If there was nothing," Alexander began.

The King gave him a look and placed his cup down. "We haven't had a chance to chat much," he said. "I want to know how you're doing."

"I've sent all the project reports."

Another look.

"I meant your health," the King said. "It's only been a handful of months since .  . . " He trailed off.

"Someone tried to kill me," Alexander finished for him.

Before the King could speak, Alexander continued. 

"The Royal Physician cleared me. I'm sure he gave you a full report. He's been checking my health everyone month since that day and you've got all the reports too."

"Getting shot isn't something you put in the past," the King said. "Have you been visiting Dr. Alice?"

"I've gone to my appointments, yes," Alexander answered. 

"I didn't call you here to nag. I just wanted to check up on you as your father."

A pang of guilt went through Alexander. It was like he didn't understand why people were worried about him but ever since the assassination attempt, people were constantly asking if he was okay - treating him like a porcelain doll. Not to mention having constant bodyguards everywhere he went. Sure, they were never in sight but Alexander knew they were around. Plus, being under house arrest for the past month hadn't helped either. 

Sure, he'd never admit to his father that he had been able to get so much work done but that wasn't the point. He couldn't spend every moment working. He needed the liberty to come and go as he pleased. 

"I know . . . dad," he said. "I'm fine but I'd be better if we had any leads as to who shot me."

"I know," the King said. "Our investigators are doing their job. A couple of governments have pledged their support as well."

"At least something good came out of getting shot," Alexander muttered. He sat back. He nibbled on his lip before speaking. "I want to get rid of my bodyguards."



"Your would-be killer hasn't been caught yet."

"Then just make it one personal bodyguard. Maybe that'll get them to try again."

"I'm not using you as bait."

"So, what? I'm stuck here until we find these people? At least let me leave the palace grounds. I haven't seen-" Alexander stopped and sighed. "I'm bored here."

"Does this have something to do with the 'missing' ring from the treasury?"

Alexander looked away. He hadn't told anyone he'd given a ring to Rin. He didn't think she had told anyone either. Then again, they hadn't talked much. He had sent her a few messages but it wasn't enough. 

"I would very much like to get introduced properly to this young lady," the King said.

Another pang of guilt.

"I'm sure her parents would like to properly meet our family," the King continued. 

He stood and sat beside Alexander.

"Let's invite them to dinner. Make it official."

Alexander rubbed the back of his neck. It wasn't like his relationship with Rin wasn't official but her parents had never met the King. Plus, he had to talk to Rin about it. 

"Did she refuse?" the King suddenly asked.

"No!" Alexander quickly said.

"Then what's the issue?"

Sighing, Alexander stood and paced around the room. 

"I didn't propose to her," he said. 

The King crossed his arms and sighed. "Pity."


The King threw his hands up. "What?"

Alexander rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We've promised to be together. Rin wants to be with me. That's enough for me. Plus, we've been dating for like a year."


"Our relationship isn't public. I'm a public figure and that's caused a lot of problems for her."

"A lot of celebrities have private lives. She can have one too."

"I don't know if she wants to be a celebrity. And I'm not stupid. I know not everyone is going to approve a vampire and human dating."

"Didn't think you cared about whatever thought."

"I don't." Alexander shrugged. "But Rin - it's different for her. Look what happened when everyone found out we dated."

The King sat back. "We took care of that. Now, people just forget it as soon as they remember it."

"But Rin -"

"Needs to make a decision," the King interjected. "Talk to her."

"I've been under house arrest, remember?"

Silence fell over them. Alexander didn't want to have this conversation with his father but he knew it was necessary. He knew he should have had this conversation with Rin a long time ago. He was a vampire and she human . . . a relationship like that . . . how long would it last? A sudden feeling gripped his heart.  He shook his head. It's fine. 

"I'll talk to Rin," Alexander finally said. 

"Good." He stood. "I'll send the invitations."



"I want one bodyguard and I'm going out tonight."

The King sighed. "Alexander-"

"I'm going out tonight," the Vampire Prince repeated. "I'm only taking one guard."

Before the King could argue, Alexander walked out. There were a few personal things he had to take care of before Rin's parents met his family. 

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