Best Daughter Ever

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Jimin pov-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, alerting me to make breakfast and wake up Eunjoo for school at 7:10am. A sigh escapes my lips, the loneliness of the bed already putting a dent in my mood. I laid there for a few more minutes, then stretch my body, a satisfied hum leaving my lips as the joints in my elbows crack. I ran my fingers through my black hair, then reached over and turned off the alarm, then make my way downstairs to make chocolate chip pancakes, since they're Eunjoo's favorite.

Its the first day of Kindergarten for Eunjoo, and she's excited, but I'm a little worried. Eunjoo is a very sweet girl and I'm sure she'll make friends, but I know how mean children can be, and I just don't want anyone to mess with her, especially since she's a very creative thinker, and she says things that I never would've thought of in a billion years. I chuckle, thinking about a few weeks ago, we were at the playground, and she was running all over the place, until she tripped and scraped her knee. She came up to me, as cool as a cucumber, and showed me her bloody knee, but there were no tears or hurt on her face, in fact, instead of her crying, I shed a few tears.

When Eunjoo saw me crying, she wiped my tears and said "Don't worry, appa, remember when you said I'm as sweet as a cookie? Just think of the blood as strawberry jelly!" Then we both laughed. I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt Eunjoo hugging my leg "Good morning appa!! Guess what?! I got dressed all by myself!" She giggled. I smiled and picked her up, holding her on my hip with one hand, and flipping the pancakes with the other.

"You sure did, Joo, even your shoes are on the right feet" I chuckled "You excited for your first day?" I asked, already know the answer. Eunjoo smiled widely, showing the crooked tooth in the front of her mouth ,one of the features she got from me, and nodded "Oh, appa, can we go to the flower store before school and get Mr.Jeon some flowers?" Eunjoo said as I put her down. Ever since I got the email of her teachers name and the classroom number, Eunjoo has been beyond ecstatic to meet Mr.Jeon. We had to miss orientation because I promised Eunjoo that I'd take her to Disney World for a week before school started, which I obviously couldn't disappoint her.  "Sure, sweetheart," I said, putting two pancakes on each plate, cutting Eunjoo's pancakes and taking them to the table "anything else you wanna use my money for, Joo?" I joked ,sitting in my seat and watching Eunjoo get two forks out of the silverware drawer, using her stepstool to reach it. She hopped down, then looked at me " me a pony" she grinned, then climbed up onto her chair. I smiled as she handed me a fork, then began to eat the pancakes.

"I'll buy you a pony one day, sweetheart, I promise." I replied, eating my pancakes "I don't need a pony, Appa, I have you! The best Appa ever" Eunjoo giggled, her cheeks filled with pancakes, Making me smile in return. I'm so lucky to have her. "and I have the best daughter ever" I chuckled. Once we both finished, I took both plates and forks headed to the sink, then began to wash them "Joo, honey, can you go and brush your teeth?" I called out, " Ok, appa!" Eunjoo replied from behind me. Soon, I heard the tapping of her tiny feet against the steps.

 I finished washing the dishes, then grabbed my phone and turned it on, checking the time, 7:32am. I plan on leaving around 7:55 to take Joo to Starbright Elementary School, But we might leave a little early to head to the flower shop. I made my way back to my bedroom, Then changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt, matching with Eunjoo. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then made my way back downstairs. "Joo! Grab your bag, it's time to go!" I called out, opening the front door as I looked at he time. 7:38. Not even two seconds later I heard Joo rushing down the steps "Don't Fall!"  I said quickly. Eunjoo appeared in front of me "Don't worry, Appa. I'm not clumsy like you" She giggled, running out of the door when I tried to grab her.

I shook my head, a smile on my lips "Where does she get being such a brat from?" I muttered to myself, then made my way to the car. I helped Joo into her seat then made sure her seatbelt was buckled then ruffled her wavy hair "Appa~" she whined, scrunching her eyebrows and pouting. I laughed as she used the rear-view mirror to fix her hair. I went to the front seat and put on my seatbelt, then grabbed both of our sunglasses out of the holder and handed Eunjoo her sunglasses as I put mine on. She did the same and I rolled down all the windows "Ready, Mini-me?" I asked, looking at Eunjoo. She gave me a determined look and nodded "Ready." I turned back around and connected my phone to the Bluetooth, and started blasting Eunjoo's favorite song;  Barbie Girl.

A little while later, we arrived at Yoona's Little Garden. We both got out of the car after I rolled the windows up. We both had our sunglasses perched on our heads "Appa! Stop walking so slow! I don't want to be late!" Eunjoo said, Standing on her tippy-toes and opening the door. I smiled and walked inside "Alright, alright" I said, holding the door for Eunjoo from the inside. she walked in and I followed behind her "Appa! Up!" Eunjoo said, turning towards me "Yes, Ma'am" I said, lifting her up and placing her on my hip again.

"What color do you think Mr.Jeon would like?" I asked, walking around. Eunjoo hummed, thinking. She was quiet for a moment before she gasped loudly, causing me to jump slightly "Oh my god! Appa! Those one's!" Eunjoo squealed, pointing at a pink and white rose bouquet with a white bunny stuffed animal with a pink heart for a nose. I nodded and went to grab them, then handed them to Joo. "Hold them gently, JooJoo" I said, she nodded as I walked towards the register "Good Morning! Welcome to Yoona's Little Garden, I'm Yoona." The lady behind the desk, or Yoona said. "Hi" Joo and I said at the same time. Joo handed Yoona the bouquet "You two are just adorable. And this is a great choice, these are my personal favorite" Yoona said, smiling. Joo smiled widely, proud of her choice "Thank you" she said. Yoona nodded, scanning the flowers " That'll be 2000 won, please" she said, putting the flowers in a pink-tinted clear bouquet sleeve and handing the flowers back to Eunjoo. "Do you want a vase for those for an additional 500 won?" Yoona asked. "Yes please, thank you" I replied, then pulled out my wallet and scanned my credit card.

"Thank you, Please come again" Yoona said, a friendly smile on her lips as she handed me the vase "Thank you" I said, then we turned around and left, heading back to the car. I unlocked the doors and put Joo in her seat, then sat the vase in the seat next to her.  I buckled Joo's seatbelt and headed around to the front, then got in, buckled my seatbelt and put the key in the ignition, the time appearing on the radio, 7:56.School starts at 8:10 "Alright, Madame Park, Next stop, StartBright Elementary" I said, pulling out of the parking spot "Thank you, Jimin. I request that I have an ice cold apple juice waiting for me when you come to pick me up" Eunjoo giggled, using her fancy voice. I chuckled "Yes, Ma'am" I said, slowing at a red light. I turned towards Joo again "Hey, you nervous?" I asked. Joo giggled, and reached her hand out. I adjusted my body and held her small hand "Are you?" she said. I smiled, feeling tears pool in my eyes "Very" I said. "Well, don't be. I'm a big girl appa, I'll be fine" Eunjoo smiled. I sighed, wiping my tears away "You're right, you got this." I said "Now, no more tears, it's time to feel epic" Joo said, putting her shades on. I chuckled, also putting mine on. "What song?" I asked, reconnecting my phone to the speaker "Ugh by Suga, J-Hope and RM" Joo said. I nodded, then quickly turned on the song and put my hands back on the steering wheel as the light turned green.

We arrived at the school by 8:06. "Welp, this is it" I said, turning to Joo "You say that like we wont see each other again" She giggled "Eight hours feels like forever when I'm away from you, JooJoo" I said. Joo shook her head, a smile on her face, she then put her backpack on, grabbed the flowers and the vase, and then kissed me on the cheek "Bye appa! I love you!"  She said, opening the car door "I love you too, Eunnie" I replied. Eunjoo smiled and hopped out of the car, closing the door behind her. I sighed, watching her excitedly run into the school. I took the car out of park, and drove home.


1600 words

Sorry this took longer than expected, i wanted this to be good lol

and i was really busy

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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