chapter 2

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Next day:

At University:

Author Pov:

Here seniors are busy in ragging the juniors. Ragging is prohibited,but they name it as introduction

Today our hero,and also bad boy of University is late,so his minions are alone doing this.

Today they will do ragging Economics and Maths students
So they are gathering in hall

They are doing it in section
One section is for economics students
While another section is for Maths students

Soon Meghas number came

"Hey beautiful,what is your name"

Asked a senior boy

"Radhika chopra"

She lied,and didn't get caught because her id card is in bag

"Beautiful name,so what should we give you to do"

He said and start thinking

"Why not we give her to propose someone"

Suddenly said one senior girl from behind

Kyu churel,kya bigara mai ne tera

If Devraaj got to know this,he will kill me

Megha is thinking and already killed her many times in her mind

Suddenly the hall gate opend and come Akshad

Megha is looking down

Akshad sit in distance and start his task of so called introducing the Maths students without noticing her

"Here take this rose and propose to that boy"

The same boy said and give her a rose while smirk at his friends
She look that way where he point

Megha first became shocked to see him again then got irritated, because she have to propose him
She doesn't have any other option other than this

If she don't do that she will be in their bad book,and they will bully her the entire year

She take the rose and slowly made her way to that boy while looking down

She never proposed anyone in her life

She suddenly come in front of him,when he noticed her,he immediately stand up with wide eyes

Which girl was in his mind from yesterday,the girl is now infront of him

Yes,the boy who bumped to her yesterday night was him

And he got attracted to her in just one look

She made her courage and inhale some oxygen to do the task

While the entire hall now become silent to enjoy the drama

She suddenly held out the rose in front of him,he look puzzled

"Hi,I love you, would you accept my proposal"

She said in short and plain voice

While Akshad feel his heart is beating fast,he is feeling the most happy man in the world,but why,don't know

The entire hall is waiting for her to get insult

Because Akshad don't like when someone proposed him,he don't like love things, according to him love is shit, which make people weak

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