First glitches and some shard stealing

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When Garito woke up, he immediately went to the Ripperdoc.

Garito: I'm here. Show it to me.

Ripperdoc: No, first I want to see Eddies.

Garito: Are you going to play this game now?

Ripperdoc: Hey look I risk my ass to get this so give me the Eddies.

Garito: Wait why?

Ripperdoc: Don't change the subject. I want to have it gone before someone finds out I have it.

Garito: You are really stressed out. It kind of sounds like you stole this from Arasaka or something.

Ripperdoc: Kind of...

Garito: YOU WHAT?!

Ripperdoc: So that's why I want it gone.

Garito: Tell me more.

Ripperdoc: Alright, this Sandevistan is an experimental it can do the same as the regular one but this one has one particular function: When there is no way out you can turn on the so-called "Balance breaker" which will destroy your nerves, making you feel no pain but you immediately become a cyberpsycho. And It was meant for Adam Smasher.

Garito: Why for him?

Ripperdoc: As I said it's a prototype they would put it in Adam when the cyberpsycho side effect will be no more.

Garito: So you are saying that you got me Sandevistan which belongs to Arasaka and it's meant for Adam fucking Smasher! When that guy finds out that I have it he will literally rip it off my back!

Ripperdoc: I know and I'm sorry for that and for this...

Garito: Sorry for what?

Ripperdoc took a syringe and stabbed Garito, he immediately started to feel dizzy and blackout.

When he woke up he was laying on the operating chair and his back hurts.

Garito: What the...?

Ripperdoc: Sorry kid but I have to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Garito: You... piece... of... shit...

Ripperdoc: Now it should work. Do you want to try it?

Garito: I... hate... you...

Ripperdoc: Give me a better answer.

Garito: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!

Then out of nowhere, Girito's eyes started to glitch, and then he blinked two times after that he found himself on the ground, and under him was the Ripperdoc with his face caved in. Blood and brain were everywhere and Garito's hands were covered in blood. Garito looked at his hands in shock.

Garito: What the hell just happened?! Did I do this? Don't fucking tell me... is this... cyberpsychosis? No, it can't be! I didn't use that "Balance breaker" thing!

Then he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, his back was exposed so he could see the Sandevistan which was different from the normal one, it was black with red light, and his clothes were dripping with blood.

Garito: Wait it wasn't that "Balance breaker", maybe I turned psycho because I felt that rage. That's the only thing that only comes to mind before I blinked and then I woke up with a dead doc. If that's the case, I'm fuck because I'm a person with anger issues. But now let's change clothes otherwise people will call NCPD when they see me.

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