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Starstorm quickly caught up to them, listening to the dragons talking to each other as she watched for any sky-wings.  "I can't believe you did that!"  The mud-wing said the sea-wing.

"We need to keep going, she could catch up to us easily."  The dragon replied.  "Woah, Clay it's our first sunrise!"

"It's so bright."

"You're practically glowing!  I didn't know mud-wings had so many colors."

"You look like you're made out of sapphires."

"So your name is Clay then?"  Starstorm said, looking at the mud-wing flying next to her.

"Yep!  And that's Tsunami."  He replied, pointing at the sea-wing.

Tsunami nodded.  "Your name is Starstorm right?"


"Wait, how are you not burned!" Clay said, looking startled.  "And you have purple eyes?  Are you sick or something?  Because I thought most sand-wings had black eyes."

Starstorm smiled.  "Nah I'm not sick, my father's a night-wing."

"That still doesn't explain how you didn't get burned by Scarlet's fire."  Tsunami stated.

"It's a weird mutation or somethin' that I've had since I hatched, I can't breathe fire but flames don't burn my scales."

"Oh, weird.  Clay and I have a friend named Sunny that's a sand-wing, but she has green eyes and no barb at the end of her tail.  Maybe she's a hybrid too."

"I would love to meet her, but what are you two actually doing out here?   Sure I've only been in the sky kingdom twice, but I'm pretty sure you two shouldn't be out here together."

"We're the dragonets of destiny.  We wanted to explore the world to.." Clay said,  being interrupted by Tsunami.

"Clay!  You can't just say that!  What if she was a spy or something?"

"But she helped us!"

"We don't even know who she really is!"

"I am actually one of Thorn's guards, she owns an oasis in the sand kingdom, but I am here to get some information about Scarlet's arena so we can rescue some of her prisoners."  She stated.

"See?  She's nice."

"Yeah but she is kinda a spy."


"So where are you guys headed?"

"We're looking for the entrance to a cave that the rest of our friends are in."  Clay responded.

"Hm, well do you mind if I come with?  I can try to help you guys out and if you need to go to the sand kingdom, I know someone who can provide a spare hut and protection."

"Why would you want to help us?" Tsunami asked.

"I am kinda bored with the tasks that I'm assigned to as a guard and you are the dragonets of destiny so I might as well help you out in the ways that I can."

"What about your parents?"

"They won't miss me, and I'll write Thorn a letter explaining where I am."

Clay smiled and said.  "That sounds great, but if Starflight and Glory don't want you to come, then you can't sadly."

"What about your friend Sunny?"

"I'm sure she won't mind!"

In the distance she could see a plume of smoke rising into the air and Tsunami said.  "Look at that smoke, it must be coming from the skyhole!  So the entrance is nearby somewhere."

Starstorm followed Clay and Tsunami down to a small river where they landed and started walking, looking for the entrance to their cave.  They came across a large boulder leaning against the cliff side with a set of talon prints nearby.  "It looks like Kestral went looking for us."  Clay pointed out.

"That's good, at least we won't have to deal with her."  Tsunami responded.  "Clay do you think you can move the boulder?"

"I'll try"

He went over to the boulder and started pushing it, a clicking sound being made as the boulder was moved out of the way.  Where the boulder was, there was tunnel with two dragons standing in it.  One was a night-wing with a large bag of scrolls hoisted over his shoulder, and the other was a smaller golden sand-wing with green eyes and no barb at the end of her tail, who she assumed was Sunny.

"You did it!"  The sand-wing said, smiling as Clay, Starstorm, and Tsunami walked into the tunnel.

"Are those scrolls?  Starflight.  No." Tsunami said sternly.

"We might need them!"  The night-wing responded.

"Where's Glory?" Clay asked.

"We're not sure."

"Right here."  A rain-wing said, seemingly appearing out of thin air.

"You're alright!"  Clay said.

Glory curled her tail around Clay's, saying.  "Of course I am.  I'd have been fine on my own, you know."

"I know."

"But thank you for doing insanely dangerous things for me anyway."

"Wait, who are you?"  Sunny said, looking at Starstorm.

"That's Starstorm!  She helped us get away from a scary sky-wing."  Clay said, now in a cheerful mood.

"Yeah pretty much."  She responded.  "I was wondern' If I could come with you all and help out where I can, It's probably terrifying knowing that you gotta end the war between the three sisters.  Glory, right?"  She said, looking at the rain-wing, who nodded in response.  "I know that in the prophecy you're supposed to be a sky-wing, but if you ask me, I think that a rain-wing would be better at endin' wars then a dragon who's constantly tryin' to pick fights.  It's honestly a pleasure to meet you all."

"Yeah, I think she can come if she wants."  Glory said, moving her wings to hide the bit of yellow that showed up on her color changing scales.

"We could use the extra help."  Starflight added.

"You do seem really nice."  Sunny said, smiling.

"Well then, I guess you are coming with."  Tsunami stated.

"Thanks, I won't let you down."

Suddenly she heard wing-beats which meant that dragons were flying nearby, many dragons, like ten or so, and the sound was getting louder.

Wings of fire Book one: Befriending a monster.Where stories live. Discover now