Freezing blood

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Mistral slowly got up onto his talons, confused.

"It's okay, I know you're hurting." She said, looking into his eye. "But you don' have to be what she made you, there's going to be a way out of this, I know it."

A sky-wing guard flew above them, holding a whip, ready to strike the ice-wing. Mistral lashed out, cutting the sail that stretched across Starstorm's back. She backed up, hissing in pain. She already tried to talk to him, what else could she do if he was forced to kill her? He grabbed her wing, violently pushing her down onto the sand before she got a chance to react. Mistral was on her back instantly, holding her tail and wings down with his talons so she couldn't stab him or get away. He grabbed the back of her neck, the end of his snout by her ear so she could hear his breathing, raspy and uneven, like every breath he took was painful.

"You don' have to do this Mistral." She whispered, struggling to get out from underneath him.

The guard flew closer, their tail a wing's length higher than the sand. She suddenly felt the weight lift off of her back, quickly getting up she saw that Mistral had bitten the end of the guard's tail and was pulling them down, out of the sky. The guard fell, not even getting a chance to run away before the ice-wing had attacked them. The sky-wing's head hit the sand, choking on their own blood because Mistral had slit their throat. Ten or so guards surrounded him, chaining him up and attempting to drag him back into the tunnel, a few more bodies lifelessly hitting the sand before he was out of sight.

So, that just happened. Someone brought her back up to the wooden platform, chaining her to the floor next to Clay, who gave her a worried look.

"Well, that was a waste of time and guards." Scarlet scoffed, talking to Burn who seemed bored.

"You should let me kill that dragonet, her eyes would be valued as a new addition to my collection."

"Not yet, I still have a very thrilling fight planned for her if Peril's does not go well."


"Anyway. It's time for the night-wing's fight, this better not be boring."

Clay pulled against his chains while Starstorm sat still, a bit shocked from what happened earlier. A guard led Starflight into the arena as Tsunami was unchained from the wall.

"I've been dying to watch the night-wing fight." The queen continued. "He's so sparkly and good-looking. I think after he's dead I'll cut off his wings and hang them from my throne room walls. Wouldn't that be magnificent and thrilling? All those silver scales sparkling like diamonds against obsidian. I love it."

Burn growled, muttering. "This is a frivolous palace."

"Careful how you speak of your allies, remember you need us."

Burn shifted uncertainly, closing her mouth. In the arena, Starflight was facing Tsunami, the night-wing shivering out of fear and looking at the blood covered sea-wing like she was crazy.

"The rarest of all dragons." The announcer called, now perched at the edge of the platform. "A real live night-wing. Is he the dragonet of the prophecy? Let's see what happens when two of them have to fight each other. Tsunami of the aquatic sea-wings and Starflight of the mysterious night-wings! Claws up, teeth ready! Fight!"

Starstorm shook her head and blinked rapidly, recovering from the shock she was in. The cut in her sail was bleeding a bit but that didn't worry her. Starflight was clawing nervously at the sand in the arena, watching Tsunami as if he wasn't entirely sure she wouldn't snap and kill him. It seemed like the dragonets were raised in a cave together like siblings, so they probably won't fight each other, but what choice do they have? Tsunami slowly walked over to Starflight. He opened his wings and she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

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