you're special

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Rodrigo walks over to my ex, pushing him.

"Get the fuck away from him!" He shouts.

"You don't even know me bro!" My ex says.

"If you don't back the fuck up, I will beat your fucking ass!" Rodrigo yells.

My ex looks at me and turns around angrily. He walks away quickly as Rodrigo continues to stand in front of me. He turns around.

"You okay, J?" Rodrigo asks.

"Y- yeah, thanks." I say, smiling.

"He seems like a fucking punk." He replies.

"You can tell me if anything else happens." He continues.

He pats my back and gives me a comforting smile. I smile back. The bell suddenly rings. I panic, spilling soap and bleach on my shirt.

"Fuck!" I shout.

Rodrigo looks at me. He takes me to the bathroom. He takes his shirt off, revealing his abs. Then he gives me his shirt.

"Put it on." He says.

"I- its okay!" I say.

He rolls his eyes and removes my shirt. He puts his shirt on me. I sit and freeze up as I wait for him to finish. He puts on the hoodie he had on over the tee-shirt.

"There you go, bro. Is that better?" He asks.

"Yeah. Thanks!" I say, smiling.

"Good. I'll see you later!" He says, smirking.

"See ya." I say.

I walk away, excited but in shock. His abs and muscles were perfect and looked so good as he changed me. He changed me. It was kind of hot. No. It was so hot. Was he into me? He totally defended me. How did this work out so well?

Then, the last bell rang, the day was over. I walked to the parking lot to my car. As I sit down, my ex comes up to the car.

"Babe, please forgive me!" He shouts.

"Shut the fuck up, you're so fucking pitiful!" I say, rolling my eyes.

He practically jumps on me, kissing me. I try to push him off but he is too heavy. I slap him. He pushes onto me deeper, kissing me harder. I try to scream but it's muffled.

Suddenly, he collapses after a loud thud causes my car to shake.

It was Rodrigo, standing there. He had hit him with the car door. When my ex got up, he punched Rodrigo. Rodrigo swung back. Blood soaked Rodrigo's black hoodie as he punched. Students started to cluster around.

"Shit!" I shouted.

"Rodrigo, stop please!" I screamed.

"You fucking asshole!" He shouted, still punching.

I run at him, looking into his eyes. I put my hand on his arm. He drops my ex, letting go of his shirt.

"Please, stop it! I'm okay!" I say.

"Fucking shithead, if you ever touch him again, I will fucking kill you!" He shouts.

The principal runs out, his phone is his hand as he runs towards us, panicked.

5 hours later, I am sitting outside the bars at the jail, talking to Rodrigo.

"So, why did you do it?" I ask.

"Are you serious? He was trying to hurt you, of course I did what I did. You are my friend!" He says.

"Thank you, but you decked the principal!" I shout.

"Nobody gets in the way of me and justice." He says, slyly.

"I am glad that I'm your friend, Rodrigo." I say, smiling.

He smiles. "Thats a first."

"What is?" I ask.

"No one has really been happy to be my friend." He says.

"Back in New York, I never had many friends." He continues.

"I'm sorry. I have no clue how though, you are so kind." I say.

"To you, maybe..." he says, "but you are special."

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