Part 1

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"What's up buttercup." Jess tossed her stuff on the floor as she took her rightful place in the desk behind Chelsea's. Jess and Chelsea had been friends since the third grade. Jess and her mom had relocated from the Midwest to North Carolina. Everyone thought she was the weird girl that spoke funny. Chelsea would like to say that she had welcomed her to the school with open arms, but third grade Chelsea was shy and could unintentionally come off as a snob. It had been Tristan that had forced her out of her bubble and forced her to make a new friend. Tristan, what was she going to do about him.

"Hello? Earth to Chelsea. What's with the Cheshire smile? What are you thinking about?" That was Jess, tough as nails and no nonsense.

"Third grade recess. When Tristan forced me to go talk to you on the swings the first time." It wasn't a total lie. A snort escaped Chelsea at her friend's reaction; right as the principal had called for a moment of silence. oops. "What? It's our last year can't I have a moment of nostalgia?" Jess eyed her suspiciously. Chelsea wasn't one for nostalgia. She had always been the friend that was looking to the future. She had been talking about college applications, studying abroad and what city she wanted to go to college in since June...of freshman year.

She couldn't talk to Jess right now about what had been bothering her since she returned from Georgia almost two weeks ago. Two weeks. She had been avoiding Tristan's calls too. She had been back to school almost a week. Chelsea hadn't told Jess what had happened when their families had traveled south for the summer. The bell rang signally the students to shuffle onward to first period. How did Chelsea tell her best friend that she had been sneaking around with Tristan right under her nose all summer.

Summer. Thinking about this summer made her feel excited all over again. She had gotten her braces off, went a little more daring with her hair and wardrobe and, thanks to YouTube, she had finally figured out her perfect skin care routine. She had been excited for the new school year. It was their senior year and she had thought she would feel more confident than ever, but so far insecurity and confusion were running rapid. She needed to talk to Tristan about their antics this summer, but she was scared. As cliche as it sounded, she wasn't sure what was going to happen after that conversation. Tristan and Chelsea had been friends since pre-K, but for some reason over the summer things had changed.

Their families had been traveling down to Georgia for the summers ever since middle school. The trio had always enjoyed their time at the beach, but this year had been different, and she wasn't sure what being back meant. Was it just a summer fling? Were they still just friends? Was it going to be awkward? Was she going to lose both of her best friends? She may have had gone through a complete physical metamorphosis this summer, but her personality still consisted of using sarcasm as a coping mechanism, insecurity, and an unhealthy obsession with movie quotes. She hadn't changed, she just looked different.

"Ladies," A smooth baritone voice drawled behind them. Oh no, she recognized that voice. It was Tristan.

"Hey T. What strange torture does Mr. buzzkill have planned today?" Jess asked casually. Of course, she was casual. She hadn't spent the entire summer sneaking around with her best friend since pre-K and was now terrified.

"Not sure, he hadn't finished setting up by the end of homeroom. How goes it Chels?" Tristan looked her up and down. Was he acting...nervous? Or maybe he felt awkward around her now that they were back in reality.

His family had stayed to close the condo for the summer. He had missed the first three days of classes, and Chelsea had been avoiding him for the past two days. She was about to fumble and bumble her way through a response when thankfully she was saved by Jess.

"How goes it? Did you leave your braincells by the ocean or did this year's summer beach bimbo leave you dazed and confused." Ouch, that stung. Jess didn't know. Worse, Tristan didn't know Chelsea hadn't told her. He would assume the comment was a dig at her. He threw a confused micro glance in her direction, but Chelsea was frowning at her shoes.

"It's called a joke Jessabelle rent a sense of humor." Chelsea snorted; Tristan grinned happy to see her smiling again. Jess eyed them suspiciously.

"I'm not sure what's going on here" Jess motioned between the two of them "but you are not going to bring your wanna-be Tribani with you. That personality stays in Georgia." She looked straight at Chelsea. With a clipped nod she stomped off her black converse squeaking on the waxed tiles. Chelsea was going to have to tell her today. She sighed, closed her locker, and turned her to leave. Tristan grabbed her hand signaling her not to leave yet.

"Did she, just call you a bimbo?" Tristan's voice was filled with concern. She just stood there silently unsure what to say. "You haven't told her?" His voice moved up a half step in shock and... did he sound...hurt?

"About?" She asked, looking up through her eyelashes. He was playing with her fingers. Chelsea smiled to herself. He was nervous.

"Don't do this. Nothing's changed now that were back." The corners of his mouth tipped up in a mischievous grin. Chelsea didn't have time to process what was happening before he tipped his head down his lips meeting hers. It was somewhere between the innocent kiss on the cheek they had in third grade; and the passionate one they shared this summer in the outdoor shower. A shiver ran down her spine. He knew what he was doing.

"Tristan," Chelsea whined. The warning bell rang, they were going to be late.

"Go to class. I'll drive you home and we can talk. Don't forget nominations are today." He turned and walked away. Crap. She had forgotten Student Government nominations would be today at lunch. She was supposed to have their platform worked out over the summer, but she had been distracted. The school would vote next Thursday, and representatives would be announced at the first pep-rally. Joy. Thankfully they had been in SGA for two years and most people assumed Tristan and Chelsea would be running for President and Vice President together.

English class had never felt less inviting. Chelsea wasn't even looking at the projector anymore she was too focused on the conversation she needed to have at lunch. Tristan was taking her home which meant she needed to talk to Jess before something got awkward. Chelsea didn't know why she was stressing so much, it's not like Tristan was her first boyfriend if he was her boyfriend, but he was her best friend and Jess's stepbrother. If things went south, she didn't know what she would do. She took out her phone.

Meet me in the lair at lunch I need go over some stuff for noms and we need to pow-wow. Send. 

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