headcanons #2

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-can tap code (obviously)
-straight, cismale, and ally
-he can play the trumpet (no questions)
-whipped for P
-P's bodyguard
-would protect P at all costs
-till it reaches the point that he's being overprotective
-will get back at the letters bothering him
-great leadership skills
-hates funni people when he's in a serious situation
-mbti: istj


-mission is to scare the living heck out of the letters everyday
-intangible/can phase through walls
-perfect letter to place in a haunted house
-looks like a panda because of their dark circles
-asexual, non-binary, goes with they/them pronouns
-mbti: intj


-transmale and questioning
-hates being compared with M and G
-he may be small but he bites
-funniest scream
-cute af
-mbti: infp


-kinda pervertish
-demiboy and omnisexual
-dirty minded bitch
-would flirt anyone without a reason
-mbti: entp


-asthma, always brings an inhaler
-husky voice
-genderfluid and asexual: uses xem, xyr, and xe pronouns
-probably a furry too
-would have a race with B randomly; whoever flies til one of them is outside the planet wins
-mbti: intj


-i dislike him, not hate him (don't attack me)
-toxic gamer, always gets banned from servers
-plays video games with O; always fight against F and N
-bossy vice-captain of the LMNOP+X crew, making M a bit pissed
-often looks down at other people
-bisexual and cismale
-the type of letter to say "i'm not gay!" while holding hands with O
-mbti: entj

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