2. what Sid is hiding?? (Updated)

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Next morning, Avi wakes up and first thing she do is checking the temperature of Sid and luckily Sid's temperature was normal. She wakes up and get freshen up and went down stairs to prepare favorite breakfast of Siddharth because he doesn't eat anything from last night. After preparing breakfast she put all dishes on dining table. Till now Vaish has also come and also helped her in serving.

After 10 min Vibha, Ranveer came for breakfast.

Vibha: Avi, does kahna have fever?

Avi: no, maa. his temperature is normal now.

Vaish: thank God

Avi: you all start breakfast; I will go and wake him up

Ranveer: Avi beta, you sit abhi had already went.

Abhi came inside Sid s room only to witness his brother sleeping peaceful. he smiles and sat beside him and spoke

Abhi: you know what Ashu, I love you so much, and I am sorry for shouting at you yesterday but it was not my fault, it was your fault. You should have taken care of your health........(he was cut by)

Sid: if I started taking care of myself then what will you do

Abhi: Ashu

Sid sat on bed properly

Abhi: how are you feeling now?

Sid: what will happen to me. See I am fit and fine like always

Abhi (lightly slapped his head): I am getting worried for you and your joking

Sid: (hold his ear): achha baba, sorry. now onwards I promise you that I will try to obey you and will also try to take care of my health.

Abhi: O!! Drama king, every time you used this line and wind up the situation but this time it will not work, you understand

Before abhi could say anything, Khushi came shouting

Khushi(shouting): papaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sid (whisper but Ahi heard) thank God my princess came on right time

Abhi: I have heard it Mr. Siddharth Nigam, today your daughter had saved you but next time I will not spare you.

Khushi came into the room and directly jumped on Sid

Khushi: papaaaaaa

Sid: yup, my princess

Khushi: how are you feeling now?

Sid: after seeing my cute princess, papa is feeling better

Khushi hugged him tightly and Sid also hug her

Sid: princess, why didn't you get ready?

Khushi: hero, we are not going anywhere

Sid: but princess we are going to Imagica

Khushi: no hero Imagica is not important, your health is important, so today full day you will take rest.

Sid: but....

Khushi (in ordering tone): no if no but

Abhi was just adoring the father-daughter bond.

Abhi: Khushi now you go and get freshen up. Your hero also wants to get freshen up

Khushi: but chachu, I want to be with hero

Abhi: but bacha.......

Sid: dada, let her be here, princess let brush together.

Sid and Khushi went to washroom and came after freshen up

Abhi: let us go downstair. everybody is waiting for us

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