37. baby 😢😢

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Avi : di is fine doctor??

Doc. : Can we go and talk in my cabin ??

Avi looked at abhi . Abhi nobbed and both followed doctor to his cabin


Doc : have a seat you both ??

Abhi : ( siting on a chair ) doctor by passing time , i am getting more tensed . Please tell me that my wife and baby is fine .

Doc : ( taking deep breath) i am sorry to say Mr. Nigam but your baby is no more

Abhi and avi got the biggest shocked 😲😲.

Avi : but .... How...

Doc : actually last time when they came i told Mrs . Nigam that as her previous delivery was critical so may be this child wouldn't be survived.

Abhi : ( blank face ) did vaish know about this ?? 😐😐😐

Doc . :  No she don't know

Without saying anything abhi stood up and went to vaish


Abhi : vaish

Vaish slowly open her eyes . She take few minutes to get settle in the surrounding. Then she remembered that she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and then she become uncouncious.

Vaish : abhi .... Everything is fine right ?? Our baby ??

Abhi looked at vaish and a long tear fell down from his eyes . Vaish became tensed

Vaish : abhi say na our baby is fine na . Why i am not feeling our baby is heartbeat ??

Abhi : ( breaking down ) because ....... our ........ baby........  is.........  no........ more

Vaish hold his collar

Vaish : ( angrily ) are you in your sense abhi . What are saying ?? How can you say something like this about our baby ??😡😡😡

Abhi didn't said anything and started crying. 😭😭😭

Vaish : abhi ... Why are you crying?? Nothing had happen to our baby . Call the doctor, he will check me and say nothing had happen to our baby

Abhi didn't said anything and was just crying .

Vaish : abhi !!! Stop crying. Abhi !! ....... You stop continue your crying , i will go and call doctor

Saying this vaish was going to the doctor but abhi hold her from her shoulder

Abhi : vaish , just listen . Our baby left us .

Vaish pushed him hard


Abhi came near her and held her tightly

Abhi : By yelling you can't change the truth vaish

Vaish broke down in his embrace. Abhi hugged her tightly. She started to cry violently.


Sid was in his cabin . He was sitting on his chair closing his eyes . Faisu entered to cabin and saw  him in that position. Avi had call faisu and told him the situation and request him to be with Sid .  He went and put his hand on his shoulder. Sid opened his eyes and looked at faisu

Faisu : what happened??

Sid : life became a messed buddy

Faisu went and sat on the opposite chair of cabin

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