39. sidshek

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Sid went to house garden and saw his dada just sitting on he bench with emotionless face .

Sid went near abhi and sat beside him . After seeing that abhi is not showing any reaction, he side hug him . Even abhi didn't saw any reaction to this .

Sid : dada ....

Abhi : 😶😶😶😶

Sid : dada ....

Abhi : 😶😶😶😶

Sid ( breaking hug ) : dada .....

Abhi turned his face towards Sid but still with no emotion

Sid : dada .... What is this ?? At least talk to me .

Abhi : ( sternly ) leave me alone .... Ashu

Sid : what if I say no

Abhi : Ashu .... My mind is not in its right place . So please leave other wise i don't know what will I say ..

Sid : i want that only ( after a long pause ) you are not a robot dada , you are human , so please behave like a human

Abhi : what rubbish you are talking

Sid : dada , human show emotions in each and every phrase of life but you had even not cry . Dada please , don't suppress your emotions. It is not good for your health

Abhi : i fucking don't care 😒😒😒

Sid : but i care 🥺🥺🥺

Abhi : i didn't told you 😑😑😑

Sid didn't said anything. He just tightly hugged him . Abhi tired to free himself but Sid s grip was so tight that he couldn't free himself . At last abhi gave up . Sid realised it and speak in a soft tone

Sid : dada , please don't suppress any emotions inside you . Let it out . Please dada please 🥺🥺🥺🥺

And that s it . Abhi hugged him back more tightly and burst off

Abhi : why ... Why Ashu why .... God ... Snatch my child from me ... Why .... Didn't he think once before snatching my child .... That what will my situation after that .... 😭😭😭😭

Sid let abhi say everything . After 15min abhi became somewhat calm . Sid broke the hug and wipes abhi s tear .

Sid : dada ..... Please now calm yourself . And let s go inside and have your dinner

Abhi : i dont want to have dinner

Sid : dada ... That is enough .... By avoiding food if everything will be normal then i will also avoid food .

Abhi turned his face . He don't have any answer to his question

Sid : dada ... Please.... I know it is  not easy.... But you have to move on... May be the child was too innocent to came in this cruel world.....

Abhi : if it was innocent then why God gave him for few months ??

Sid : dada , i seriously don't have answer of your question but if he had taken baby back then we can't do anything .....

After a long silence

Sid : dada .... See ..... As in business two factors affects us . One his internal and second is external. In life also there internal and external factors . Someone coming in our life , someone's going , birth , death this all things are external , and you very well know that we can't control it . But .... Happiness, sadness, accepting things , this all things are internal , which we can control . So please dada .... Try to move on please ......

Abhi : Ashu but .... ( He has no words to say what s going on inside him .)

Sid : i know dada .... You wanted a second child and that s also a daughter . Right ??

Abhi became shocked that how he know all this

Sid : ( side hugging him ) dada .... 9 years ago .... I was in a same position where you are now . And dada why are becoming sad ..... You wanted 2 childs right ??

Abhi : ( hugging him back ) hmmm

Sid : but God had given you 3 childs

Abhi: ( breaking hug ) how ??

Sid : ( looking at him ) dada .... It is so sad .... How can you forget this !!

Abhi : Ashu .... Say it clearly

Sid : dada .... When khushi was born me and avi told you and bhabhi that khushi is also your child and you both are not less than us to her

Abhi : ( smiling remembering that day ) yah !!!

Sid : then , your urge to have a daughter completed

Abhi smiled at him that how is small Ashu talks such a big thing

Abhi : but .... Abhinav and khushi .... They are 2 then who is third child of mine

Sid : not third but first

Abhi : first ... Who ???

Sid : dada .... How bad it is .... You forget your first child .....
( Turn his face in anger )

Abhi : ( chuckling, turning his face ) how can i forget my this child ..... My this child his my favourite among all

Sid smiled at him and abhi kiss his forehead


Jan : today , Ashu s behaviour was some what different🤔🤔🤔

Faisu : ( to himself ) by doing such things you expect him to be okay 😒😒😒😒

Jan : do you said something🤨🤨🤨

Faisu : no🙃🙃

Jan : okay

Faisu : jan , can i ask you one question ??

Jan : hmmm

Faisu : you are really gonna continue your revenge ??

Jan : ( not looking at him ) what do mean ??

Faisu : what I mean is very well know by you . So just don't pretend like you didn't understand😒😒😒

Jan : 😶😶😶

Faisu : jan answer me !!!😠😠😠

Jan : i don't have any answer ....😒😒😒

Saying that she was going out of room but stopped when she hear something which made her very shocked😰😰😰

Faisu : i got to know that  shekhar is alive and you are with shekhar and Sam

Jan didn't look back at him . Faisu went near jan and turned her towards him .

Faisu : ( holding her through shoulder) you know that shekhar had not dead then why you did that drama 🤨🤨🤨

Jan : i didn't did any drama . It was truth . Just 6 month ago i got to know the truth . When i accidentally met shekhar 🙄🙄🙄

Faisu : if he is alive then why you are doing all this things with buddy . Why can't you drop your revenge??

Jan : ( freeing herself from his grip ) because i am taking revenge of my suffering of all this years😠😠

Saying that she stormed out of the room .

Jan s pov

( 😡😤😡😤.  I will never ever forgive you Mr. Siddharth Nigam for the things you did to me . First you snatch everyone from me and now faisu also . Only he was there with me but now he was also against me . Shekhar was right , you just can't see my happiness. But i promise you Mr. Siddharth Nigam that from today i will give you that much pain that you will forgot to smile .  )


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