1: Coincidental meeting

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Madeleine cookie sighed happily, he oversaw the makeshift puppet show stage they had made yesterday.

He looked around to the audience, Latte cookie who had definetly dragged creampuff cookie to watch and creampuff cookie who was pouting in the crowd.

Vampire cookie sleeping at a nearby tree, atleast he cared for what Alchemist cookie made, right?

Though, he didn't expect Espresso cookie to come watch the second show held there.

Their eyes met, Espresso quickly looked away and looked at the crowd, looking for a seat.

Latte waved for Espresso to sit near them, they were co-workers anyways. He reluctantly walked towards Latte and Creampuff.

Madeleine looked back to the 'stage', it was starting. He didn't particularly find puppet shows fun, he just wanted to see others watch what they had worked on.

"Why are you here?" Latte whispered to Espresso, keeping her eyes on a suddenly interested Creampuff.

"I had free time, and I decided to check on what was happening here." Lying about the latter, he didn't want Latte to know he helped make it, that doesn't seem like him.

"But a little birdie told me you were apart of the project?" A smug smile was on Latte's face when Espresso's eyes averted to her.

"It was him, wasn't it?" He deadpanned. Of course Madeleine talked about it, that dumb happy man cant keep his mouth shut.

Latte nodded, falling into silence and watching the puppet show. Espresso did the same.

Once the show ended, Madeleine happily brought the cookies who controlled the puppets food as a good job.

Espresso wanted to tell Madeleine something, but decided to follow Latte and Creampuff home.

But to their surprise, Madeleine caught up to the three of them.

"Ah, hello Madeleine!" Latte was the first to notice the nervous Madeleine behind them.

Latte and Creampuff stopped to talk with Madeleine, but to no ones surprise, Espresso didn't turn back.

"Uh- Mr. Espresso-?" Creampuff called out, Espresso huffed and crossed his arms, walking back to the group.

"Hi Espresso!" A cheerful greeting given from yours truly. What was it he needed now?

"Yes?" A forced grin glared right back at Madeleine. Everyone else thought it was creepy..

"Uh- thanks-! For helping make the puppet show stage..? I'm sorry you had to help me.." He definitely didn't think this through. You could tell.

"Ah, is that all?" Why was he suddenly irritated? It's not like he didn't want to say the same to him. A nervous giggle from Latte before she lightly kicked Espresso's shoe.

"Be nice." she muttered to Espresso as he stood there, perplexed why Latte would care about his social life. Before she quickly started a different topic.

"Oh, I heard you two did the harder work for the stage!" Espresso quickly walked away. Creampuff had been staying quiet for most of the awkward conversations all of them were having.

"That was sad.." A nervous chuckle from Madeleine, Latte joined in, Creampuff was just about ready to leave, this was sort of pathetic to watch.

"Can we go back yet? I'm starting to pity Mr. Madeleine.." She didn't want to be rude, but she was just dragged here by Latte.

A quick nod and Latte leading the way, Madeleine sighed as he tiredly followed far behind.

"Stay safe, our routes sadly don't merge." Madeleine walked away as the student-teacher duo waved him goodbye.

And in a once in a blue moon occurrence, it felt like the knight was overthinking. Why was he so cold to him? He wasn't particularly that rude towards him when they went for materials.

He'd gotten to his house. He'd sat down on some old chairs on his balcony that he'd dusted off a few seconds ago. Looking out to the other cookies walking home, here he was, the cheerful knight, with an oddly somber expression.

Was it just his ego? He didn't even accept his apology! 'Is that all?' Madeleine never thought there was a worse response to an apology than the usual "I don't accept your apology."

"I'll just talk to him when I'm free. And not after a tiring day." Staying positive, he forced a grin till it wasn't forced.

"Yeah, surely he does think of us as atleast friends!" The enthusiasm was back, Madeleine cheered up and started making dinner so he could finally rest.


Any feedback? <3
I apologize for the meme i set ;;


Words: 725

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