7 0 0

THS group!! 6:23 a.m.

armin: does anyone have a spare blazer?? I misplaced mine yesterday and i don't really want mr pyxis to give me a uniform infringement or smth

jean: jesus fucking christ armin its like 6 am who hurt you

Historia: Sorry I don't think I still have my old one!!

Mikasa: I have one

armin: mikasa you're saving my life

@Historia its all good dw about it

eren: jean give my folder back today pls i need it my maths sheets are in it

jean: what if i dont huh

eren: wtf man

Mikasa: We have a committee meeting today @armin @eren

armin: oh yeah thanks for reminding i would've forgotten otherwise

ymir: its 6am go to bed

armin: how about no???

ymir: whatever

jean: can someone tell mr hannes im sick today

ymir: are you sick or are you trying to get out of maths period 1

jean: what do you think

ymir: dont worry ill make up the best excuse for you

jean: thanksss

eren: wtf and when i wanna skip period 1 armin tells on me

armin: oh don't think just because i'm silent i'm not planning on it

jean: youre so mean 😕

eren: yeah armin do you just feed off of our suffering

armin: wait what

@sasha come check this out

sasha: what the hell its 6am what do u want

armin: jean and eren

Are agreeing

sasha: HOLY SHIT

eren: ...

jean: ...

eren: you know armin ive always been passionate in my learning

jean: mm yeah totally not like your last maths grade was 56%

eren: not like you did that much better

jean: i got a 60, like 20x better than you

armin: jean it's only 4% more

jean: shut up armin youre too smart for this

plus its 6am

Mikasa: Stop whining, it's almost 7 anyway

You should get into better routines if you think 6 is early

eren: mikasa is always up at like 4 in the fucking morning

armin: i've never known how she does it

sasha: teach me your ways pretty please 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Mikasa: It's called a routine

sasha: nvm lol

connie: wht the fuck guys its like 5am

jean: connie...

armin: its literally 7

connie: wha

sasha: connie you have to re sync your clock

connie: oohh shit so thats why i keep waking up at like 6am

damn i thought i was getting better

armin: i think we all did connie

sasha: you better get your goofy ass up quickly then bc the bus comes at 7:30 and the walk to the bus stop is 15 mins

connie: FUCK

sasha: im outside btw

jean: sasha i see you

sasha: thats not an ominous message at all jean...

eren: yo sasha connie jean

me and mikasa will see you on the bus

armin: you should really think about walking some days

its strangely therapeutic

connie: honestly dont care how theraputci it is if i have to wake up at the asscrack of 4am

armin: you just need to leave like half an hour earlier

connie: nah to much effort man

jean: lazy ass

sasha: connie arent you supposed to be getting ready rn there are 12 mins left

connie: oh oops

eren: goddamn

Mikasa: I have the blazer, I'll give it to you in homeroom @armin

armin: thanks!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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