Oh great. It's Satan.

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Arle woke up, feeling refreshed. She looked outside, which presented overcast weather. She looked on the floor, noticing Carbuncle sleeping beside her. He was in a cat spliff position.

"Awwww..... You're so cute when you sleep." She placed her hand on his stomach, rubbing it.


He then opened his eyes. He seemed happy to see his best friend feeling fresh after 2 days of seeing her feeling ill. He hopped onto her bed and crawled onto her lap. That made Arle giggle more. She then started scratching his ear. "Hey Carby. Do you think I'm healthy enough to Puyo battle now?"

Carbuncle hopped happily. Arle knew he was saying yes.

"Great! Okay, let me do my usual morning routine, and then I'll go meet up with Amitie and Ringo." She got out of bed and did her usual things. But this time, she didn't eat any curry for breakfast. She was instead eating cereal, since the smell of curry made her painfully sick yesterday. After eating, she took the bowl she was eating the cereal from and put it in the sink before turning on the water, putting dish soap on it. She then started washing it.

Carbuncle hopped into the sink, splashing water onto her. "Oh, you!" She placed the bowl on the drying rack and placed Carbuncle on the counter before wrapping a towel around him, but he immediately hopped out from it, landing it into her arms. "Haha! Awwwww!" She scratched behind his ears some more before setting him on the floor. "Okay Carby. You ready to go see Amitie and Ringo?"

"Gu gu gu!"

"Good!" She kneeled down, letting him hop onto her shoulder. She then got back up and left the house.

Now the 2 were walking, on their way to Amitie's house. The walk was mostly uneventful, as it mostly consisted of Arle admiring the overcast weather. But during their walk, they were stopped by something that flew down from the sky.

It was Satan. "Oh Arly~! I have our honeymoon prepared~!"

"Honeymo-?! No Satan! I'm not marrying you. Deal with it."

Carbuncle hissed at Satan.

"Deal with it?! Look, Arly, I've already prepared for the honeymoon, like I said. I'm not wasting a tuxedo rent or anything like that for this!"

"Go marry someone else!" Arle circled her hand a bit, forming a fireball.


That made the fireball multiply into many fireballs, all of which were after Satan.

"Hmph. Is that how you want to play? Well then." Satan circled his hand, which formed a dark ball.


The balls multiplied and flew directly at Arle, so she tried to dodge them, but she didn't react on time, the balls hitting her head, chest, and stomach. She howled, throbbing in pain. She held the hurting areas in one hand and circled her other one, forming ice in it.

"Ice storm!"

She put her hand up and allowed the ice storm to flow freely around Satan.

Satan got distracted by this, attempting to perform a stronger spell of his.


She took the hand that was on the hurting areas and brought it up, preparing a spell of her own.

"Brain Dumbed!"

Satan's Juggernaut and Arle's Brain Dumbed spells were both performed at the same time. The ball of darkness from the Juggernaut spell flew right at her, landing into the area where her heart is, which physically weakened her.

But as the darkness ball reached her heart, the Brain Dumbed spell hypnotized Satan, giving the apprentice mage an opportunity to control him.

"Now, do as I say....." She was panting, feeling so weak and tired. "Stop. Trying. To. Marry. Me."

"Yes Arle. I won't try to marry you......" Satan started drooling, unaware of the hypnosis.

Suddenly, Satan snapped out of Arle's hypnosis, preparing yet another spell.


Satan then began flying to heaven.

"H-Huh....?" Arle jumped and grabbed his wings and tried to perform her next spell.


An orange light formed underneath them, blasting each other away.

By then, Arle had gotten too weak to continue battling, and was starting to faint again. She ended up losing grasp of his wings and fell off of him before landing on the ground back first. Satan then flew back down and landed on the ground feet first.

"Hmph. Looks like I've won, Arly~! Now it's time for our ma-" He got interrupted by something that was slammed into his face. He looked and saw it was Carbuncle. "Carbunny! Will you help me marry Arly?"

Carbuncle gave Satan a mean glare before he performed a spell of his own.


That spell blasted Satan off the area, flinging him somewhere random. "CARBUNNY~~~~!"

Carbuncle hopped over to the now fainted Arle and got on her stomach, checking to see if she was okay. But unlike the previous times she fainted, she didn't wake up. He tried to perform CPR on her, jumping on her stomach and chest, but that didn't work. He then looked up, making some loud 'gu's, in hopes of getting help.

After making about 9 loud 'gu's, he looked up and saw a figure. The figure ran towards them, and as they got closer to them, it grew more recognizable. Eventually, it became clear enough to tell who it was.

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