chapter 10: this season of survivors be wildin as fuck

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uhhhhh hey guys kiwi here you see i actually published the chapter on ao3 like in the morning but wattpad was blocked on my school wifi so i thought oh ill just do this later. and then i forgot EHBJKRSHDKLRHJKSDKGHJLASHDJKGHAJKLSDGHJLKASDHLJKGA



The stoplight was red. DJ checked both sides of the street, making sure all cars had stopped before starting to cross over. In one hand they held a glittery pink bag, the other held a bouquet of chocolate roses, a birthday gift for their friend. As they walked over the sidewalk, mind filled with thoughts of what to say to her for their meeting, DJ barely noticed a truck barreling towards them. It was only at the last second that they lifted their head, met face to face with two glaring lights piercing into their eyes, frozen in the illuminated path like a deer in headlights.

Then came a distinct CRACK sound and finally, a cut to darkness.

DJ awakens on the cold wood floor with a start. There appears to be no cars, no roads, and no lights around (but honestly, it's pretty hard to tell with a vision that looks like vague colored blobs). It takes them a moment to process what they had just seen, but they quickly realize that it was just a dream. Well, they aren't very sure if it's a dream if it's happened before, but DJ doesn't want to argue the logistics.

"Hey sleepyhead, you awake?" a voice calls out from behind them. When DJ turns to look backwards, they find Pink Choco sitting on the couch with her brightly beaming face. "You took a long nap!"

"Did I?" DJ laughs, pushing themself up. "What time is it?"

Pink Choco glances up at the clock on the wall, which sits disappointingly still. "I keep forgetting that thing's out of battery. But it's starting to get dark outside, if you're wondering!"

"Aww, why didn't you wake me? I slept the whole afternoon away!"

"Hey, you seemed tired! I'm not gonna interrupt a sleeping Cookie!" Pink Choco then hops down from the couch and takes a seat next to her friend. "But in all seriousness, Is everything alright?" she asks, facing DJ.

"Huh? Why?"

"You looked distressed in your sleep," Pink Choco says, eyes sinking with concern. "Were you having a nightmare?"

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you can call it that!" DJ shrugs. "Was just a bad memory, that's all." DJ sighs, balling up their legs. "I don't really feel bad, though! If anything, I'm glad I didn't just crumble on the spot back then, you know?"

Pink Choco nods in understanding. "That happened so long ago... but the fact that you're still here means you're stronger than ever! You're the most accomplished Cookie I know!"

"Well, I couldn't have gotten where I am without your help, manager!" DJ nudges Pink Choco's shoulder playfully. "You're my partner in crime!"

"Aww, you flatter me!" Pink Choco giggles, shoving DJ back lightly.

The two burst out into a lighthearted laughter, lighting up the chilly room with a warm delight. In Pink Choco's presence, DJ thinks about all the times she had helped them or even outright saved them from trouble in the past. After they had been hit pretty bad by a speeding car, she was the one who guided them to repair their cracked dough.

Unfortunately, no matter the fixing, the repaircookies could not figure out the ingredient used in DJ's eyes — thus resulting in them having to replace it with some general sugary ingredient. Cookies can only be fully repaired if their ingredients are perfectly replicated, and DJ had to unfortunately deal with blurry vision from then on. However, Pink Choco came in clutch again and introduced them to Hero, who managed to create a visor that acted as a pair of eyes for DJ.

the time i was human (cookie run au) [2021 REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now