Chapter 2: After 7 Dam Years!

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Hokage's POV:

Are you sure it's okay to give her genin? Iruka asks. She almost imposible to read unless she smiles. I shivered at that thought. She was worse than Ibiki. She smiled the smile of a maniac and her eyes didn't help. It was like they were tearing at your soul. I dare not say that to anyone. I mean she's only 13! Iruka can you inform her to meet me. I knew she when away at night but never where. I'm sure they'll survive a week. I hope. Well lets hope she likes them. Maby this wasn't a good idea.

Okami's POV:

It's been 7 years sense my brother left me here. It hasn't been easy. I thank the Hokage ant the rest for letting me stay here but everyone still made fun of my purple eyes and silver hair. I still practice my Jashinism but only at night. In the day i'm an innocent jourin but at night i revert to my true nature. I'm a muder. I only kill at night and it hasn't been easy keeping it under raps. I still wait for my brother but if he doesn't come soon. I'll leave this place and look for him myself. If he came i'd have no problem leaving. Everyone hates me. Iruka appears before me. The Hokage request your presence. Understood. I teloport to the Hokage's office. Okami! He smiles. I have some good news. I raise my eyebrows. You're geting a team of your own. Wait? WHAT! What makes you say that i'm as old as them maby even younger! There waiting for you don't be late. i teloport to the acadamy unaware i'm 30 minutes early. I'm standing on the desk. Iruka! Thats when i relise no teacher is in this room. WHAT THE HELL THEY SAY GET OVER HERE AND THEN THEY DON'T SHOW! BASTARDS! I turn around to face a class of genin. Where's Iruka i say smiling. They all scream. Thats when Iruka walks in. OKAMI WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT SMILING! Don't smile unless you're going to kill them i say boardly. He sweatdrops. You're early. opps. I forgot to tell you to come later. H-how old are you a girl with purple/black hair and green eyes asks? I'm 13 and a jourin. That bastard old man forgeting to tell me what time i was suppost to meet my team. Everyone gulps. Y-your a-a j-jourin she studders! Yup i say poping the p. Okami take a seat i need to finish exsplaining something. You're dam right! I sit at the back of the classroom and daydream about cirtain things. Okami. Okami! I punch the person standing in front of me sending them fly across the room. What? Your team Iruka says gesturing to two boys and a girl as he gets up. I smirk. This is going to be fun.

*Unkown's POV*:

I sit between my two friends as Iruka gives us a boring exsplanation on what's exspected. Thats when i knotice Iruka pail and walk out. What a drag i complain. Akira don't complain a brown headed boy with markings like kiba's states. Fine. So Kimbaru? Katsu? Do you think we'll be on the same. Most likly. So who do you think our sensi will be? Thats when someone appears standing on top of the desk. IRUKA! It's the freakshow Katsu says relising it's the girl with moonlight colored hair and purple eyes. She looks around and shouts WHAT THE HELL THEY SAY GET OVER HERE AND THEN THEY DON'T SHOW! BASTARDS! This surprises me. I didn't exspect her to have such colorful language. She turns to us and says where is Iruka smiling. We all scream. Her smile is worse that Ibiki's. She looks like a Chesire cat gone insane. Thats when Iruka steps in. OKAMI WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT SMILING! Don't smile unless you're going to kill someone. We all gulp and he sweat drops. They start idle conversation untill Hinita's little sister Reiku studders h-how old are you? 13 and and jourin she say raising her eyebrows. THIS GIRL IS A JOURIN! SHE'S MADE FUN OF ALL THE TIME! SHE COULD OF KILLED US IN 3 SECONDS FLAT! I don't bother listing to the rest. She goes to the back and sits dow. Soon our teams are called. I'm on team 10 with Katsu and Kimbaru. Everyone leaves but Iruka stops us. He glances at Okami before speaking. Your teacher might be a bit strange. We raise our eyebrows. She might have a um colorful vocabulary and she's your age. I have a sinking feeling on who our sensi is. But that's not the important part. We want you to observe her and report to the Hokage. Understood. We all nod. Then go up to the roof. Before we leave i see Iruka thrown across the room. It takes us 3 minuted to reach the roof. Where is she Kimbaru asks? Right here a girl with moonlight colored hair and purple eyes smirks. Her black, white, and purple dress blowing in the wind. Our. Sensi. Is. OKAMI! So shall we start with introductions?

Kisame aka Fish-Sticks POV:

I can't belive we're moving Deidara grumbles. Well we can't do anything about it brat Sasori replies sharply. Itachi do you have an opinion? Hn. Tobi has an idea! What is it Tobi i sigh. Hidan has been acting weird! You're right i say geting up. He has been distracred latly. Does anyone know where he is? I saw him leave earlier Sasaori says boardly. Let's go into his room Tobi shouts. I smile. So who else whats to join Tobi's plan? Deidara smiles. I'm in. You brats are going to get yourself killed Sasori says and itachi just walk out of the room. I will join you two voices reply. So I guess it's us four. We walk towards his room and slowly open the door. There's nothing out of the ordinary uless you count the bloodstains all over the room. There's nothing here deidara complains. It all in the bag! TOBI IS EXCIDED! Tobi be quiet we hiss. Check the bag a dark voice says. A plant like being comes out of the floor, but only half way. I walk over to the bag while the others check around the room. After a few miniutes of searching i only find clothing. Nothing. Thats when Tobi knocks the bag off the bed and we hear a shattering sound. Confused i check the bag again but this time i cut my finger. Dam. I reach back in but more carfuly and pull out a picture. The glass has a giant crack in it so you can't see it very well. Lets take thins to the living room. We open the door slowly and walk as fast as we can to the living room. When we get there Itachi and sasori raise their eyebrows. I sit down and everyone crowds around me. I take out the glass to reveal a photo of. Well? A younger Hidan and a girl that looks like him. They have the same hair color but hers looks like moonlight and her purple eyes are darker with more tones. She's wearing a dress with a white underskirt and leggings the rest is a black/purple. (like in the picture above.) And she's HUGGING HIM! We're all confused. Who is that Deidara asks? She looks almost like him Sasori mumbles. We all sit in confusion until ... ITACHI SPEAKS UP? Maby it's his sister or daughter. Thats impossible he mudered all his family 7 years ago i argue! Hn. Sasori and Itachi leave and Zetsu disapears into the floor. Thats when we hear it Hidan's home. SHIT! What are you three Motherfuckers doing! His Scythe is covered in blood and he staring at the thing in our hands. DID YOU BASTARDS GO INTO MY ROOM! uhhhh. I set the picture down and we all run but he doesn't chase us. DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN AND DON'T TOUCH THIS. AND I'M GOING TO BELIVE YOU SAW NOTHING! We keep running. All i can think about is that girl in the picture. Thats when i relise something's in my hand. It's a strip of paper with the words. I love you Nii-chan - Okami. Wolf? WHO OR WHAT THE HELL IS OKAMI (WOLF)!

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