Part 15

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Screams fill the air. Steve grabs me and my father and moves us inside away from the windows. Father is unharmed and goes into work mode to control the situation. Steve grabs my face.
"Isabella are you ok? Sweetheart?"
Shock has completely taken over me until my eyes are drawn to the red liquid running down my hand.
"Steve, your arm!"
"I know I'm fine, I need to know that you are"
"Ye-yes we need to get you to hospital!"
"Sweetheart, no one else has been hurt, we don't need to involve the authorities trust me. Call James to meet us upstairs"

I do what he says and call James as soon as I get Steve sat in the kitchen. There's a lot of blood but Steve reassured me that it could have been a lot worse. James rushes out of the elevator and into the kitchen and grabs me.
"Baby are you ok?"
"A bit shaken but I'm fine"
"Promise?" I nod and he kisses me.
"Don't mind me, just got a bullet stuck in my arm" Steve waves his unharmed arm at us.
"Sorry Stevie, let's have a look" James sets up a work station and starts to remove the bullet.
"How did you learn to do that?" I ask whilst holding Steve's hand, trying not to cringe at the sight.
"Let's just say this isn't the first time I've been shot" Steve laughs through the pain.
"I'm so sorry Stevie, I know that bullet was aimed for me"
"Sweetheart, I told you I'd take a bullet for you" he smiles and brings my hand to his lips to kiss.

A short while later the bullet is removed and Steve is patched up. Father enters the penthouse with his security guard behind him.
"Oh Bella" he takes me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok. Thank you Rogers, sorry about the arm"
"Don't mention it" Steve downs a whisky for the pain.
"Do we know who it was?" James ask.
"Not yet but we're looking into it. Until this is sorted Bella you are to stay in the hotel, if you have to leave then James or Steve is to be with you at all times"
"You think they'll try again?" I asked as I'm embraced by James' arms.
"Better safe than sorry Doll. We need to find out who and why"
Father leaves to sort out the stress of the guests.

"Baby come here, I've run you a bath to relax" James takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom where he's lit candles and put scented oils to the water.
"Wow James thank you, will you be joining me?"
"No doll this is all for you, Me and Stevie will be right out here ok we have some things to sort out" he gives me a kiss and leaves the door slightly ajar. I strip off and sink into the large tub. All of a sudden tears start falling down my cheeks. I can't control it any more and I can't make it stop.

The water in the tub splashes around and I look up to see James getting in opposite me and feel Steve getting in behind me. Steve pulls my back against his chest and wraps his arms around me whilst James takes my feet and starts to massage them. Neither of them say anything, their presence is enough to calm me down.
I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I know I'm being lifted out the tub and wrapped in a fluffy towel. Strong arms carry me to my bed then I'm sandwiched between both naked bodies before I drift off to sleep again.

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