just an introduction to the story

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Clara was a 13 year old girl, she went to an ordinary secondary school, lived in an ordinary house and had ordinary pets, but her past was far from ordinary.
the one ordinary thing in her life was the only person she could trust, and also the savior stranger, though they weren't strangers anymore.

You see, Clara often had trouble sleeping, since her brain would go at like 8,000,000 miles per second. And although this wasn't a good habit, she was always more comfortable and productive during the night. she would often find herself dong her homework, drawing, exercising and reading until early hours of the morning, and although this might be normal for most teenagers there was nothing normal about Clara's late night productivity since she was only up because it's the only time she could have real peace and quiet for some time to herself. since Clara has 4 brothers (two older half-brothers and one younger full brother and an older step brother) 2 step sisters and 4 pets (2 dogs and 2 cats) it isn't very often quiet or alone, and although she really did love them and spending time with them, she does still need time to herself.

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