Chapter 1

12 1 1

Ella was back.

Not forever of course, nothing is forever.

Ella was sitting on some random bench in the park putting her lipgloss on, as you do, when she felt a pair of eyes on her.Multiple pairs of hungry eyes.

She looked up , only out of the corner of her eyes as she wanted to seem oblivious.

She vamp sped behind a man to make him jump and hopefully stop only for them to turn around.

It was her brother.


"Ella? What are you doing back?"

"Oh no reason, just felt a bit homesick."

"After almost a century you feel homesick?"

"Yes ,Stefan can a girl not live?Honestly.."

Stefan looked down at the ground for a minute and was about to speak when his sister interupted him.

"How long have you been back?"

"Oh not much longer than you." that was a lie.

There was another awkward pause.We had last seen each other during the 1920s.It was fun , all the parties,booze, se-   

Now im just getting off topic, sorry where was I?

Oh yes..


Ella and Stefan were sitting in a booth inside of a bar.

They were not alone.

~end of flashback~

Ella could not completely remember her time in Chicago with Stefan.

There would be moments where she thought about all the happy memories she had with her brother when her mind would go blank, just as she was finally getting to the good part.

She was in a deep thought , not even noticing Stefan wave a hand past her face one or twice, trying to grab her attention.

"Ella?"  "Hellooo??"

"Oh sorry, yes?"

"Where were you planning on staying?"

"The old boarding house of course,"

"Unless it's not there anymore, it is isn't it?"

"Yes that's where I have been staying.

"Well, I'm moving in , see you soon roomie!"

Stefan sighed before smirking to himself, shaking his head.

"So what happened to that Lexi girl"

"Oh, um Damon,"

"Oh, God Damon's back too ?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"Well he's not all bad.." She was about to try and think of something nice about Damon when Stefan interrupted her , once again.

"Ha, you wanna know where Lexi is?"


"On the other side, because of our kind, caring, and obviously considerate brother."


"Oh indeed."




there probably isn't even anyone reading this lol

Should i make these chapters longer?

I don't want to seem annoying but this is my first book so   👀

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