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The last 2 classes i had for the day sucked because i was so upset about vickie and robin. I guess that answers my question of is robin gay or not. As soon as the bell rang i was out i didn't want to be in the school for one more minute. when i got home i needed to clear my head so what's a better thing to do than going to the cafe and chilling out there? I walked in and got seated but i should have known that robin comes here every day, so just like every day she walked in but then walked over to me

"hey nancy" she said with her soft voice. i didn't really know what to say because i wasn't going to tell her I liked her that's too soon, so i replied with "oh hey robin" her smile faded when she realized i wasn't in a good mood. "what's wrong you seem upset, you know you can tell me" she said. "Can we go back to my house if we are going to talk about this." of course she said yes because i mean it's robin, we drove back to my house and i walked up stairs with her. i had no idea on what i was going to say to her but i didn't have much time "so now that we are back at your house what is happening?" i stayed silent for a second. then she spoke again "nancy please tell me" i just snapped "fine when you took eddie aside i got kind of upset because you didn't care to tell me but that was fine because i had to fine out in the worst possible way, i saw you and vickie making out in a classroom ok?" she was shocked and didn't speak for a moment then she said something. "nancy i'm so sorry i meant to tell you i didn't want you to find out that way i'm really embarrassed i'm so sorry."

i started to get tears in my eyes that were impossible to fight. I could tell she was really embarrassed but she noticed me crying and ran over to me and went to hug me. it didn't make me feel much better because the only thing i could think about for the past 4 hours was robin and vickie being together. she asked me why i was crying but i couldn't tell her so i made up a lie and just said that i was crying because i was happy for them and i'm glad that robin found someone good for her when she has only been in the school for a few months. In reality that was a lie because i didn't think that vickie was good for her i thought i was better and that she needs me more. I think that she knew it wasn't happy tears but she went along with it anyway. "Hey you know that there is a party happening at Tammy Thompsons house and the whole grade is going, you should come!" i really didn't want to go so i tried to say no in the most polite way "oh i don't really do parties i'm sorry" i learned that from my last party experience with Steve that went to shit. she kept asking so i finally gave in and she got really excited. "yay Steve can come pick you up the party starts at 8:30 pm and you can leave whenever as long as it's not past 4:00 am" i agreed and she left. i couldn't cry i just felt numb i never felt like this with anyone and it was pissing me off that i love her too much but she doesn't feel that way with me.

It was 7:30 and i just got done putting on my makeup when i heard steve pull up and honk his car horn. i hugged my mom good bye and left out the door. i got in the car and i saw steve robin and vickie, god damn vickie is is here. the whole way there it was just robin and vickie were giggling in the back cuddling.
i just wanted to die.

we got to the house and it was already crazy and it was only 9:00, we all got out and Steve,robin,and Vickie ran into the house while i just walked slowly behind them. when i got in i just sat down on the couch with fruit punch in my cup. i was looking down when Eddie walked over to me. "hey wheeler what's happening" i jumped a little because he surprised me and i look up at him. he could tell i wasn't having a good time and asked what was wrong. i finally spilled my feelings for robin and i'm glad it was Eddie that was the first one to know. "ok these last few days i have been in the worst mood because the truth is i love robin i have a huge crush on her and she doesn't like me back because she loves vickie and they are so happy with each other and i just wish i was with robin not vickie." he looked shocked and he just hugged me "i'm really glad you told me that Nancy thank you for trusting me and i couldn't imagine how hard that must be for you" of course i started crying again because i'm the most emotional fucking person on the planet especially when it comes to love. "maybe you should talk to her she is probably upstairs somewhere" i had nothing better to do and i couldn't keep it in so i went to go find her. i looked in every room most of them had people making out in them, it was quite gross. the whole time i was look in rooms i was just thinking of the worst and how i would walk in on them making out or even worse having sex. i made it too a room and i heard someone crying, i opened up and saw robin crying so hard it hurt to look. "robin?" she looked over at me her eyes red her bottom lip quivering and mascara all down her face. I ran over and hugged her she hugged me so hard it felt like i was getting my soul squeezed out of me. i just stood there and stroked her hair and let her cry.

she finally spoke up "i saw vickie making out with another girl." my heart dropped for her.

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