Chapter Fifteen

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I really wasn't so sure about that answer and neither was Caiden as I see the mischievous glint never leave his eyes and the playful smirk that stays plastered on his face as he begins the training.

But I had racing thoughts about Samson and Holten in my mind.

I shake my shoulders trying to roll out the stress as I begin to listen intently to what Caiden has been saying, watching his movements carefully.

This was going to be a long afternoon.


Chapter Fifteen

"Argh! That's the fifth time, why can't I hit you?" I exclaim, frustrated and red-faced as I heave through my breaths, my chest rising and falling fast. 

"I've been doing this my whole life. Plus, you need to lift up your hands better and make your fists tighter. Make your arm unbreakable...Like so." Caiden breaks his stance to step forward and reaches out his hand and wraps it around my left hand, bringing it up more toward my face to block. 

With my other hand, he wraps his other hand to wrap more tightly around my curled fist, making it stronger and smaller, more like a small bullet, deadly and swift. My upper body twists and crawls with him being so close to me, hovering behind me just about touching me. 

The warmth flowing off his body was really comforting, but it made me want to relax and no longer be alert, so I had to shake off the feeling and lean away to clear my throat and turn around, getting my stance back up in the way he showed me. 

"Why did you choose Holten?" Caiden asks suddenly.

My heart stuttered and stopped for a split at his question. His blunt question had completely shocked me and came out of the blue, I answered with complete honesty. 

"He makes me happy." I said truthfully. 

With what little time we have spent together, Holten has made me feel things I could only have dreamed of.

"Why did you marry Marley?" The question was out of my mouth before I stopped it, and my eyes widened and went right to Caidens face, our eyes met but Caiden didn't have an ounce of surprise in his face, but curiousness, and openness. 

"I had no choice, I did something a long time ago and I paid for the consequence, but Marley bailed me out of it, and has been paying for me to be a free man ever since, in a way I owe her so much because she saved me." Caiden says, with a shrug, one hand coming up to ruffle his fingers through his blonde ruffles. 

"What do you mean, 'bailed you out of it'?" I ask, getting my feet spread apart and my hands come up and without warning, I lash my right fist out and jab outwards like I had seen him do a little while ago. 

"A couple of years ago, I got locked up for murder, I had a fight and lost control and beat the guy to a pulp, he died four days later in the hospital. I met Marley when she was visiting one of her girlfriends that had gotten locked up around the same time I did and she mentioned me. Marley had bailed me out after just meeting me once with a bond of over $20,000 and has been paying the government large sums of cash each month, to cover the rest of my $30,000 debt to keep me out of prison. Our marriage binds that promise, almost like a contract of sorts." Caiden says, ducking out of reach of my jab and rounding his body to grip my arm and throw his weight down and roll me over his back to flop me on my back onto the floor, him gripping my arm above my head. 

"And how much is left to pay?" I ask out, my heart thudding in my chest. 

I don't know why I was focusing on the debt instead of the murder, that word that just flew out of Caidens mouth, but for some reason, that was not what I really cared about at the moment. 

This was the first time Caiden was actually opening up to me and talking about himself and his past. 

"$10,000." Caiden replies, his chest pressing into mine as my back lays flat up against the floor. 

"Is that the only reason why you married Marley?" I ask out, peering into Caiden light blue ones. 

"Yes Ravenlyn," Caiden says, his breath fanning across my face, making my breath hitch. 

I twist my leg up and around to throw Caiden off me and push myself up to a standing position grinning like the treasure cat. 

"It's about night, I need to get home. I'm going to call Helga, and see if she will come and get me." I say, standing up and walking over to the bag I brought, taking out my cell phone and unlocking it, pulling out my bestfriends contact. 

"I still can't believe you're friends with my baby sister." Caiden groaned walking up beside me as well as he was on his phone as well, typing away and grinning at the phone.

I ask Helga to come and get me and put my phone away, "I can't believe you guys are siblings and she fights, I never pegged Helga for a fighter." I say, shrugging my shoulders and sliding down to sit on the floor. 

"How about you let me take you home, save my sister the trip and let her stay home, until she eventually comes out and has a few rounds or two with somebody tonight." Caiden slides down the wall beside me. 

"That's not a good idea." I say, already knowing it wasn't. 

It was best if I stayed with Helga bringing me home, me and Caiden alone is a recipe for disaster. 

"Probably not, but I care about you Ravenlyn, I want to make sure you're okay." Caiden says, his voice going deeper than my inner voice and making the walls within my resolve break down.

"Just a drop-off, okay," I say. 

"Why, is Holten inside?" Caiden asks. 

My head whirls to the side and my eyes meet his, and so do my lips, yet again. We were way too close for comfort and I was way too comfortable to sit right here, just barely touching Caiden. 

"No, but even if he was, it would be just a drop off." I say, looking at him, gathering my bag and pulling out my phone yet again to text Helga and let her know Caiden would be taking me home. 

"...Alright Let's go." Caiden says after a long pause of silence draws out between us. 

How is this ever going to be simple!

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